Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Bailey's POV*

I woke up this morning feeling like i was being watched. I dont like that. I got up and went to my closet and grabbed a white crop top with a purple mid-thigh skirt and all white Allstar converses. I went into my bathroom and curled the ends of my hair lightly, then i put it in a half up half down style and put a big white bow where the ponytail holder was. Then I put on a little bit of eyeliner. When i was fixing my crop top i noticed there was a necklace around my neck and it had a cresent moon on it. I tired to take it off but it wouldnt come off and there was no clip on it. I decided that i'll just leave it on for the rest of the day. Since today is sunny, I grabbed my sun glasses and phone and went down stairs to eat some breakfast. I dont like the fact that it is Monday. For breakfast im going to eat over Abby's. I drove to her house in my black and red Range Rover. When I got there I took out the spare key that Abby gave me like 2 years ago. I unlocked the door headed straight for the kitchen. When i walked into the kitchen to bump right into someone. I look up to see Niall standing right in front of me. I notices that he was wearing nothing but boxers.

"Hey, umm Bailey is it?" I nod. "So what are you doing here? Mainly how did you get in here?" he asked.

"Well im here for umm food and i have a spare key." I said awkwardly while looking down.

"So is there anything that i cant help you with?" He asked.

"Oh yeah do you know where Abby is?" I aked nicely.

"She left already" Niall repiled.

"But how? She car is still outside." I asked curiously.

"Harry took her to school. She was running late so he offered to drive her."

"Oh thanks Niall."

"Your welcome Bails" He said as i wave bye, walking out the door and to my car. Who is Harry? Also why do i feel like Abby is not telling me something?

~~At School~~

As soon as i got to my locker i saw Abby getting her books out for her first 3 classes like she always does cause she's weird.

"Hey Abby!" I yelled running down the hallway.

"Bailey!" She said hugging me.

"So Abby, i was wondering do you have anything to tell me?" I asked poking her face.

"Maybe...I have a boyfriend." She replied

"Oh and when do i get to meet this "Boyfriend" of yours?"

"Soon." I grin. After she said that the bell rang and we walked off to our classes. When i got to my first class, i sat down in my usual seat and i look up to see there was my favorite Starbucks coffee. A Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino. I grabbed it and smelled it to see if it had anything weird or not normal. I tasted it and it tasted freashly made. I wish I knew who gave this to me. By the time I was done taking my first sip, the second bell rang and all of the other students started to settle down and the teacher came in.

"So class, today we are going to be learning about World war 1 and will will be taking notes so take out your notebo-" She was cut off the the door opening and a boy wth colored hair walked in and walked up to the teacher. He looked really familiar to me.

"Ok so we have a new student and can you introduce yourself?" she asked the boy.

"Hi, my name is Michael Clifford and I play guiar." He said mainly looking at me.

"Ok so Michael you can sit,"she started. "Next to Bailey. Bailey raise your hand." I raised my hand not looking up and grabbed my notebook like nothing was happening. Throughout the whole class peirod, whenever i would look up i would see that Michael was looking at me and i tired to avoid all eye contact with him. The bell rung not to long after that and i was the first one out of the class to avoid all awkwardness that i could somehow get myself into.


As i was walking to lunch i saw Abby talking with a boy and as i got closer i saw that the new boy Michael walk up to them. As i walked closer and closer i started to notice that Michael very simular to the boy at the party. Now that i think about it, he is the boy from the party. When i was about 3 feet away, Abby saw me and smiled.

"Hey Bailey"

"Hey Abby. So who's this?" I said point to the other boy that i have no clue who he his.

"Oh well this is Luke," She paused. "My boyfriend." She smiled hard.

As i smile and wave to him slightly, I suddenly pull Abby to the other side of the wide hallway and asked "Is that the demon Luke from the party?" Abby nodded.

"Oh my god Abby and Michael, Luke's friend," i pointed to the other boy. "He was the boy who saved me and Luke was with him." I told her.

"Oh. Wow. Well thats very inter- Oh and Bailey, Michael told me to tell you," She stops looking over at someone. I look back and she is looking straight into Michaels eyes and it was like he was telling her something.

"Abby? He told you to tell me what?" I asked becoming impatient.

"He loves you Bailey." That was the only thing on my mind for the rest of the day. Whenever someone would ask me something or even try to talk to me I would just zone out and ignore them. Also for the rest of the day knew he was watching me. I dont know how he was but he was watching me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(A/N): I hope you guys like the different point of view. Bailey who is played by my bestfriend Brea, She helped me write this so a BIG thank you to her :) Also the picture on the side is Michael :)

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