Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Today is Saturday and Bailey went home late last night. I haven't heard anything from Luke and we didnt hang out last night which im kind of sad about that. I hope he talks to me today but if he doesn't, oh well i guess. So on todays agenda i have to go gorcery shopping first, then i have to babysit a 5 year old later on.

I first need to get a shower and get dressed. as I was showering I heard a loud noise over the water. It sounded like something fell. I rushed out of the shower putting a robe on and jogged to my door, slowly opened it and walked slowly down the stairs and walked in my dinning room where the noise came from.

I heard another thing being smashed and it sounded like glass. i walked into my kitchen and see Levi in my house breaking everything he got his hands on.

"What are you do-" I yelled but he cut me off by slapping his hand over my mouth.

"Dont yell at me baby. I know you dont want to be punished. Do you?" Levi said while walking towards me making a thin gap between us. He smelled like a toxic mix of alcohol. All i did was shake my head. Where is Luke when i need him. I wanted to cry but i dont want to know what would happen if i did.

"Why didnt you kiss back yesturday? You know should know that i dont like it when someone doesnt kiss me back. So either you kiss me back and be mine or be with that Luke kid and i make your life a living hell. Which one is it?" He said while taking his hand away from my mouth and moving it to my waist. I look into his eye then look to his lips then to my hand. Great. Note to self shower with Lukes ring on and never take it off again. I know i have to make a quick choice so i do what i thought i should do to be safe. So i looked deep into his eyes and kissed his with a force. To play it off, I take my hands away from my sides and I ran them up his chest to the back of his head and light tugged on his hair making him moan into my mouth.

For some random reason i missed this but of course whenever we kissed like this, he was always sober not sickly drunk.

I pulled away from Levi and looked down to my feet. Suddenly Levi broke the silence.

"Abby," He started. "I missed you." He said softly.

"I missed you too." I said back.

"Im sorry for doing this." He pointed to a few broken plates on the floor.

I look up at him and just shrug and then I realized I only have a robe on. I pull away from him and the wall i was up against.

"So im going to go put some clothes on and you just sit down and make yourself comfortable." I said backing away from him.

"Can I help?" He said smirking while sitting down on my couch.

"No. Just stay here." I said turning and walking back up stairs.

"Just call me if you change your mind." he yelled to me. All i did was shake my head.

I when my room came i sight i run to it, closed the door and then locked it. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a red plaid shirt, denim skinnny jeans, and red converses. After i got dressed i put on a little bit of mascara and some perfume. After I did all of that I checked my phone for the time and saw that it was 11:44am and the kid im babysitting will be here in 16 minutes.

As i walk down the stairs i notice a childish girly laugh coming from the living room.

I walked into the room to see Levi tickling the little girl im suppose to be babysitting.

"What are you doing? Where is her mother?" I ask sweetly.

"Im playing with Dakota and her mom said she will be back in about 2 hours. Does that answer your questions?" Levi replied and all i did shake my head yes.

~Later that night~

Dakota's mom picked her up and Levi left and i was now alone which I think i need cause today has been the weirdest day yet.

A soon as i was about to go to bed Bailey called me.

"Hey Bailey" I answered

"Umm.. Abby can i come over and sleep over?" she said in a shaking voice.

"Sure. What's wrong Bailey? You sound like you just saw-" She hung up.....


(A/N): Hope you guys like this chapter! I liked writing this chapter. It's like a plot twist...... I guess. Oh and the pic of the little girl is Dakota.

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