Natsu Dragneel ~ Spider

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'Twas told to make Natsu seme...


His salmon coloured hair was wet as I took in as much of his body as I could. He smirked before running his hands through his hair, trying to get it to spike up like usual.
I watched as he gives up with his hair, letting it fall onto his face, before he looked me in the eyes and smiled wider. My eyes started tracing down his body, examining each part like it'll be the last time I see him. He started moving, posing in attempt to impress me and show off his body.

I watched as his face changed expressions, varying from stoic to adorable. My eyes lowered to his shoulders and arms, moving each different poses he tried. His biceps seemed to be bursting with excess muscle which stretched all the way to his hands. My eyes lowered further from his shoulders to his torso, which was like a vast see of skin I couldn't get enough of, his abs rippling underneath every time he moved.

My eyes lowered further only to be met with a white towel which was loosely hanging around his also muscular waist. My eyes raised back up to meet his smirk yet again. "Way to go handsome. Aw yeah." I said, before walking away from the mirror to get dressed and ready for the day ahead.
"Natsu!!" A male voice called from the kitchen, accompanied with several squeals and squeaks. I panicked to put on cloths and dry my hair, before speeding out to see what happened.

~Readers PoV~

"Natsu hurry up! Help!!" You screamed again, just before natsu rushed to meet me in the kitchen.
"Babe? What's up?" He asked, seeming not to notice anything wrong and proceeded to raise his eyebrow. "kiLL IT. NOW." You screamed, pointed towards the floor to a spider. You watched in horror as Natsu seen the spider and kneeled down beside it to get a better look. "This is it? That's all?" He asked, one eyebrow still raised as he looked up at you. "Just kill it already!" You demanded, holding a frying pan that was ready to use either against the spider or Natsu himself if he pulls anything.

"It's just a spider. Calm down." Natsu said as he started scooping it up with his bare hands. "It's just a spider? iTs JuST A sPiDER? Look at it nats- don't you dare come near me with that thing or so help me Jesus I will knock you both to oblivion." You cut yourself off as he picked up the spider and started walking closer to you. "nATSU DONT." You screamed as you backed up into a corner, both hands on my chosen weapon. "Babe. It's just a spider." He smirked as he came closer and closer, holding out his hands like he was presenting the worst demon in hELL to you. "Come on Babe, just touc-" His words being cut off with a loud bang and endless screaming. "I wARneD YoU." I screamed, now repeatedly smashing the frypan into to floor trying to kill the demon which was scurrying away.

"Got cha'!!" You cheered, lifting the frying pan back up to see the very-much-dead creature, flattened against the kitchen floor. "Ewww~ Natsu! Come clean your demon up, it spilled its guts everywhere~." You said, holding your nose for dramatic effect. "Natsu?" You asked, turning around to see Natsu knocked out on the floor. "Oh~ that's right." You said, leaving the frying pan on top of the spider and walking over to Natsu. You stretched before clinging onto Natsu's T-shirt, pulling as hard as you could to drag him into the bedroom.

"Okay. I ain't gonna live if I drag you all the way to the bedroom. Screw that. You'll be fine on the couch right?" You asked, knowing you won't get an answer. "I take your silence as a yes." You smiled, before continuing to drag Natsu to the nearest couch. "Upsie Daisy (Upsie? Upsy? Idfk.)" You said as you uncomfortably hauled Natsu up onto the couch, having no control where his arms and legs go.

"There. All comfy." You stepped back and admired your work. Natsu was now upside down on the couch, with one leg in the air, one arm dangling above his head and the other resting loosely on the ground. "Yep. Great job (Y/N)." You congratulated yourself as you walked away to get a blanket.
"Screw it. You may be unconscious but I still want my cuddles." You said, coming back from getting a blanket.

You tried your best to find out what's the best way to cuddle with an unconscious guy, but eventually gave up due to not being bothered to come up with a logical solution.
You stepped away from the couch, blanket in hand as you sped towards the couch and jumped as high as you could. "Cuddles!!" You screamed midair, landing on top of Natsu who didn't seem to care that you decided to be a cannon ball. You lazily tried to spread out the blanket on you both, but also giving up on this, due also to the fact of not being bothered.

"Oh whale. Nite nite sleep tight." You said as you cuddled into Natsu the best you could. After a few minutes you realised. "wAiT. Your not dead are you?!" You screamed, immediately sticking your fingers into the side of his neck to find a pulse. "...I don't feel a pulse. I dOnT FeEL A PuLs- oh wait there it is. Oops. Good night again."


"Hey..." You heard a voice say. "No. I'm sleeping go away." You said, jot caring. "...ey Babe." You heard again, not catching the first part. "No~! Be quiet!" You whined, this time slapping whoever or whatever was closest at the moment.
"Babe!! AHHHH!" Someone screamed. "AHHHH!!" You screamed back, jolting awake. "Oh fuck you Natsu." You said, seeing Natsu's smirk above you. "Hey I'm not the one who hit me over the head with a frying pan." He said, raising his hands in defence.

"Whatever. Are you okay?" You said, still salty from being waked up. "Yeah, I feel great actually." He replied, shrugging. "Good because there's a demon underneath a frying pan in the kitchen waiting to be cleaned up. Oh there may be some dents and holes in the floor too by the way." You informed, smiling as you laid back down and went back to slept. "Fine. Mr Sleeping Beauty." He said, walking off.
"You know it, honey!" You replied, earning a scoff in reply.


Okay! I was actually gonna finish this around the 500 word mark but that woulda been too short :/
Oh whale. I think I did a decent job *shrugs* Anywho. Ima be writing another Nishinoya one next, but I'm not gonna start writing yet. So if you guys wanna request anything u want me to write about in that Noya story then comment here and I'll add them I guess. Unless it's like.... yah now. Anything bad like that.
Anywho!! That does it so see you next time!

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