Levi Ackerman ~ Birthday

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Hey hey everyone!

I'm sorry about not writing lately! I've had writers block or whatever u call it, but now I'm determined to write even though I have no idea what I'm gonna do with this story 😂😂
Oh well let's c how it goes :3

I might make it an AU, maybe modern AU too :3

Im writing this now just to tell u guys I did make it a modern AU so yea :3

Oh and I didn't proof read so sorry about any mistakes!!

On with the story!!!

You tiredly sighed as you rested your forehead on your desk at work after finishing today's pile of paperwork.
Boy did u want to work somewhere less...boring. Not something that exciting either, maybe something like in a cafe. Yes, that seemed fine. Meeting new people, serving and making coffee, but most of all, no paperwork.

You slowly raised your head to read the clock with half shut and tired eyes. It was already 11:56pm, even though your boyfriend said that you should be back earlier tonight for some reason.
He would understand though, right? The only reason you stay late is because the amount of work you get, not because you didn't want to come home. He would know that, right?

You get up from your desk and sign out of your work, exiting soon after. Would it be safe to drive this late being this tired?
Oh well, you decided to take the risk but not before pinching yourself to make sure you were well awake. You start driving home, only hoping that your boyfriend wouldn't get mad. You hated it when he got mad. He would give you he silent treatment, or make you suffer for awhile by not returning any affection you give him.

You were growing more nervous by the minute, but looking at the clock you realised you still had 16 minutes worth of driving before you reached you home, in which you shared with your boyfriend.
You got so nervous you started tapping your feet and hands in anticipation. You decided that music could help you relax and keep awake so you turned on 'Nightcore - Pity party/Control', starting a playlist full of your favourite music.

Finally, you entered your homes driveway to see that no lights were on. "Must of went to sleep" you said to yourself, sadness entangled in every word.
You left your car and walked up to your front door, trying to be as quiet as possible. You unlocked the front door and slowly made your way inside, still careful to not to make a sound. You shut the door behind you and searched for the light switch on the wall.
Finally finding it after second of feeling around what you hoped was just the wall you turned on the light.

You turned around to look around the room. It was pretty much how you left it, but now it was cleaner and tidier, like, more then usual. Yes, you knew your boyfriend was a clean freak and didn't have work today, but this was very surprising.
'Isn't there a limit to how clean something can be?' You thought as you made your way to you shared bedroom, passing by the guest room and a bathroom.

You carefully opened your bedroom door to hopefully allow you to see your sleeping beauty. Instead, coming face to face with your fully awake boyfriend, the tiniest of smiles evident on his mouth.
"Oh, hi Levi! Did I wake you? I'm sorry!!" You said, infusing your words with as much guilt as you can.

You watched as the small smile on Levi's lips dropped to a slight frown.
"You forgot, didn't you?" He said, with his monotone voice you grown to love.
'Oh shit, what did I forget?! Is it our anniversary!? Omg no, I really hope it's not, oh no oh no oh no.' Is what you thought as you quickly hugged your boyfriend.
"Omg! Is it our anniversary?! Omg I'm so sorry I forgot! I've been really busy at work lately and i don't know how I could forget something lik-"
You got cut off when Levi loosened the hug and put his finger to your lips.

"No, of course it isn't. Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday." Levi said with a disappointed look. You had always been one to forget things, small or large.
"And our anniversary was last month remember?" He said confirming it wasn't your anniversary.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" was all you could say before Levi flashed smile and kissed you passionately.
"I can't believe you" Levi said with a chuckle before he lead you to your shared bed and laid down, with you laying down next to him not long after.
There you both were, laying in your bed, cuddling, while you watch as Levi smiles as he thinks how only you could forget your own birthday.

"Hehe, thanks Levi" You said before shutting your eyes, enjoying the relaxation after work. Levi only nods and cuddles you tighter.
You may have forgotten your birthday, but it was one of your best in the end.

"Your getting so old" Levi said, smirk playing on his lips.

"Shuddap" Was all you murmured in reply as you finally drifted off to sleep.



I hope you guys like it, even though it's kind of short and that I made it up as I went along. Levi is a bit OC personality wise I think so sorry about that.

I'm writing a Klein X male reader too, it should be up today or tomorrow if I'm bothered 😅😅

I think that's it :/

Thanks guys! Cya!

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