Aakashi Keiji ~ Cotton Candy

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You looked out to the widening ocean, sun setting over the water creating gorgeous colours which spread across the sky like a rainbow of only your favourite colours. You closed your eyes and breathed in the calming sea air, snuggling into the warmth beside you.

You were pretty short, like really short, so being up high was always something you loved unlike people who feared being even a metre above the solid ground. You opened your eyes and looked up to see your boyfriend of two years, his eyes seeming to capture and retain the colours of the view. You smiled as he noticed you staring, smiling back before giving you a peck on the lips.
"This is nice." You said, looking back over the ocean from your stalled Ferris wheel carriage. Luckily, your carriage had stopped at the very top, and the amusement park you were visiting was situated right on an Oceanside. "Yes, it is." Aakashi replied, secretly watching you as your face reflected everything beautiful and perfect. You jumped when you started moving again, accidentally rocking the carriage a bit. Suddenly Aakashi latched onto you as an astonished look overcame his face.
You let out a rather loud chuckle as you watched him regain his composure and 'coolness'. That's what he called it anyway.
"Keiji, Are you scared of heights?" You asked, smile still playing on your lips as you wait for a reply. "N-No. Of course not." He stuttered, a small blush forcing its way onto his face as he rested his chin on your head. "You so do~!! How haven't I known before now!?" You teased, hugging the embarrassed Keiji. "Whatever. Come on we're nearly to the ground." Your Keiji stated as he recomposed himself to look 'normal' again.
You both locked hands has you left the Ferris wheel, thanking the instructor on your way. "Where to next? Wanna go to the photo booth? How about the sideshow alley place! Ooo~ let's go take a selfie with that clown!!!" You said as you energetically went every which way, pulling Keiji along with you. "How about we just go to the photo booth for now, the park doesn't close until later. So we have time for everything." Yeah your right, let's go!!" You confidently cheered, raising one hand into the air.

Unfortunately, someone beat you to the photo booth. But that didn't matter, it just meant more one-on-one time with your boyfriend as you waited.
"Your so short." Keiji made sure to nearly always state your height when you both got cuddly. You think it's just his way of teasing, but really his just teasing you since you are pretty friggin' short. You chuckled at his statement before trying your best to peck him on the cheek, although failing even though your boosting yourself up using his shoulders and in your tippy toes.
"Come on~~~ please?" You whined, earning a small chuckle in response as Keiji lowered his head a bit to the side to make it easier to complete your mission. "Mission control we. Have. Landing~!!" You said before swooping in and pecking him on the cheek.

"Thanks Kei!" You cheered before he ruffled your hair. "Hey!! You know I don't like when you do that~" You whined, fixing your hair the best you could. "Whatever. Come on, it's free." He shrugged as he grabbed your hand and pulled you in after him.
"Yay!!" You couldn't help but cheer as Keiji picked certain frames and designs.

"Let the games begin!" You screamed, watching the timer count down for the first photo, you leaned into Keiji and brightly smiled while holding up a peace sign. Keiji didn't change his pose and had a black expression on his face, the only noticeable thing would have been his arm around your waste, holding you close as the first picture snapped.
"Come on Kei!! Smile!" You urged and giggled simultaneously. The second timer started counting down and you decided to plant a kiss on Keiji's temple at the last moment, hopefully shocking him into some sort of facial expression.
You moved back after you heard the snap yet again, only to see Aakashi hadn't changed whatsoever, from pose to complexion.
"You've gotta be kidding me." Your lips formed a flat line as a lightbulb lit itself above your head. Once the third timer started counting down you grabbed Keiji's face with both hands and engaged in a passionate kiss. 'Now this has to work!' You thought as you heard the familiar sound of the snap yet again. You went to pull back, yet Keiji had other plans.
Keiji fell back onto the rather large seat, bringing you with him and continuing on with the kiss. You got lost in his actions before you heard the final snap of the fourth picture taking, immediately ending the kiss once realising your opportunity was missed.
"Awwww~ Keiji!" You whined as you both left the booth, looking at the roll of pictures taken from inside.
The first picture was just as you thought, you looked great, but Keiji was lacking emotion.
The second picture was a bit better, it turned out Aakashi developed his second blush of the night the moment the picture took, although it must of dismissed itself by the time you leaned back.
The third picture was blurry unfortunately, but you both knew what had happened so that didn't matter.
The forth picture only contained your back as Keiji was completely cut out.
"No fair~!! Let's go again!!" You begged, still bursting with energy. "No, let's move on." Keiji replied, locking hands with you and dragging you off to the game booths.
"Are you good at ring toss?" Keiji asked as you both walked up to the booth adorned with colourful prizes. "No, I don't think I've ever even gotten one to be honest." You admitted, as a giant stuffed panda caught your eye from the prize rack.
"KEIIIJJJIIIIIII GET ME THAT PANDAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! KEIJIIIIIIJJEJBRHDUSJBEBTOPCLA!" You screeched inhumanely, violently shaking Keiji in the process. "I'll...try..." He stuttered out, he gaining his balance after the recent shaking. Keiji proceeded to collect an amount of rings before purposely sticking his tongue out in concentration. "Keiji. We are so not in a romance book, that tongue thing is so cliché!!!" You chuckled as you loosely clung onto his side.

"Whatever." He said, throwing the first ring and getting it directly onto a bottle. "gO MY BABY!! WOO!" You screamed, shaking him yet again. "M-Maybe you should throw one? I can help you?" Keiji asked, raising his eyebrows. "Keiji. Seriously we aren't in a romance movie where the 'man' teaches the 'women' how to do something by practically dry humping her. Nah uh. Get me that panda." You said seriously.
"O...kay?" Keiji said with a huge blush now placed across his face before turning back to the game, readying his next ring. "Don't you dare stick your tongue out to 'accidentally' be cute this time. Focus." I stated sternly as I clung on insanely tightly to his jacket once he tossed his second ring and third ring.

"Better luck next time!" The old lady running the bar politely said as we walked away. "Keiji you failed me." You said, arms crossed, refusing to acknowledge your boyfriend in any other way. "I'm sorry I couldn't get your panda, it was so rigged!" Keiji said as he followed you across the park.
"Hmm... I'll forgive you if you do one lil' thing. And no it's not me." You said as you stopped and turned to face Keiji.

"And wha-omg-t would that be?" Keiji replied in amusement, of course yet another blush across his face.
"Buy me some." You said with a smirk while pointing to a cotton candy stall. "Will do." Keiji agreed as he started towards the stall, with you following behind him.
"One stick please." Keiji asked the stall owner as he pulled out some money.
You both watched as he twirled the stick around in the machine, collecting a cloud full of sugar.
"Here ya' go. Have a nice day." The owner said as he passed the stick with a smile. Keiji thanked the man as you both walked away, already consuming large amounts of sugar.

"Thanks Keiji." You said sincerely, about to take another bite of the cotton candy as you walk out of the park. "No problem, shortass." He said, moving the cotton candy closer to your face as you tried to take your bite. He smirked victoriously as started running ahead out of the park, cotton candy in hand and a screaming (Y/N) behind him.


My gosh I missed the late night writing. Haven't written one for so long, especially at this time of... morning. Whoops. It's 2am but oh whales. Hope you guys enjoy! Sorry if it's crap, like I said I haven't written in a while nor do I know aakashis personality every well.

Anywho! I haven't proofread cuz I'm tired and mistakes r littered through this whole thing so sorry!!

See ya next time!!

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