Tsukishima Kei ~ Diary

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Haiiiii everyone!!!

I'm so SORRRYYY!!!!!!!! I haven't been writing in what seems to be forever cuz I've had no ideas or anything. But I thought of something today and now I got time so I can write. Yay!


I'm pretty sure someone else requested a character but I can't remember who it was sorry!! But for future plz only request on my latest story, that way it's easier to find it if I get sidetracked or something.

Oh and 2 more things,
Because I haven't written in awhile this might be shit and cuz it's late it's gonna have bad grammar too 😅
Secondly, I've started to watch Hunter X Hunter so Ima write a Killua X Male reader when I run out of requests :3

Thx for reading this if u did! Srry for the long AN and for saying Srry a lot 😅😹

Oh and PS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSUKIII!!!!! I is a little late but oh well 😅

On with the story!!


It had been a very fast day at Karasuno High for you. You had not been paying attention at all in all of your classes including practise.
You hadn't even payed attention to Tsukii, your long term boyfriend. Of course it didn't matter due to the fact Tsukii has remained his salty self all through the time you have been with him.

Instead, you have been thinking about what's going to happen after school. Your best friend, Yamaguchi, said he could get hold of Tsukii's diary and that he could give it to you.
You wanted to get his diary, or 'just a travel journal' according to Kei, for awhile now, so you have been dieing all day just to see the cover.

At the moment, you were spread out on your bed, exhausted. Even when you weren't paying any attention, Daichi the Dad had been able to give you, and the rest of the team, an energy draining session that included running, endless receiving, blocking and serving.
You decided to use any energy remaining to grab your phone and check your messages. You didn't have many, only a message from Daichi telling you to be ready for a practise match coming up, Sugawara, telling you to not eat unhealthy meals and Yamaguchi.

You felt an overwhelming surge of energy and excitement rush through your body as you read the message.

'Hey (M/N)! I have the Diary! I'm coming over now with it so be ready!'

After you finished reading the exciting text message, your doorbell rang. You nearly squealed at the perfect timing and jumped up to answer. After opening your familiar door, a smiling face stared back at you.
"Hi (M/N)!" Yamaguchi said, nearly as excited as you are. "Hey Yamaguchi!!" You nearly yelled in reply.

Yamaguchi wasted no time and held out a cute looking book in both hands. It was brown, at least you thought it was. You couldn't really see much of the original cover due to all a dinosaur stickers and random other stuff.
It even had pictures of Tsukii's favourite volleyball player and fairly big pictures of strawberry shortcake stuck all around the cover.

You had no doubt that this was your boyfriends diary, but you had no idea that someone like him was able to do something like this. Then you saw something that made you blush.
I took the diary from Yamaguchi and examined it more closely to make sure you weren't seeing things. There was a heart. Two to be precise. They were both fairly small in the top left corner and were made up of red glitter.

This... This was shocking. You pointed it out to Yamaguchi and asked if he knew how it happened. There's no way Tsukishima could make up something as beautiful and sweet as those hearts. And to make them by himself?
There's just one way to find out. You opened to the first page to find more dinosaurs, more shortcake and more hearts. You just had to read it all now. Every single word and picture had to be seen and read by you.

You and Yamaguchi both got comfortable on your couch ready to start uncovering many of the secrets and emotions wrote in this Diary. Once you read the first few pages you found that this diary was actually a few years old.
The first pages described how middle school was for Tsukii and how it was to start highschool. Then each entry became more frequent, each describing each match, opportunity, meet up and more personal stuff including, crushes, outcomes and dates with you.

After reading about a third way through was when you started reading about yourself. Tsukii was practically fanboying over you, he described every facial feature, every time he talked to you and each time he ignored you because he was scared of talking to you face to face.
Yamaguchi started blushing at what he was reading and decided that you should read it by yourself. You both said your goodbyes and you promised that you would tell him anything that was worth hearing.

You went back to your bed and got comfortable before starting to read again. You read how nervous he was every time he approached you and how excited he was when you agreed to go out with him.
Of course, when he actually asked you out he covered his real emotions up as best he could.

After that you read about every date, every kiss and how much he absolutely loved you. After you got about two thirds through you got a text message from Yamaguchi.
You finished the sentence you were on before checking what he said.


Just like that you started to hear the pounding at your door. A look of shock took over your face as you heard Tsukii yelling your name.
He knew where your spare key was so you knew it wouldn't be long until he made his way in. Quickly you finished the page you were on an decided to hide the diary and meet him at the door.

When he made his way in he was about to yell before you hugged him with you arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
You didn't waist a second a kissed him on the lips before he had the chance to stop you. Surprisingly he didn't stop you at all, with you being the one to end the kiss.

"I love you so much Tsukii!!"

"I-I love u too (M/N)" He stuttered while showing an evident blush.

"Now where the hell is my Diary"


Annnnnnnnndddddd done!!

Hope you guys liked it! I'm so sorry for taking so long! I've had no inspiration whatsoever until I watched hunger games again for the millionth time. I have no idea but people dieing inspired me more then my own imagination 😅😂

I'm too tired to do stuff this time so I'm gonna give u two options

   1) Anyone I haven't done that are options in my last stories

   2) Any other male from any anime, doesn't even need to be an anime if u want. But give me something I can work with 😂😂

So yea I think that's it, sorry again to anyone who requested someone!! I can't remember which characters u wanted and I'm not bothered to go through all my stories to find them 😅 sorrrrrrryyyyyyy

Hope u guys liked it!! Byeeeeeeee

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