Shizuo Heiwajima ~Glasses

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Hiii Everyone!! I'm so excited too see how many people are reading my stories XDD tyasm!

I'm gonna try to have the cutest photos of the character I'm writing about, cause its cute XP

Also, when you guys are picking which ones to write next you can tell me what type you want it to be, for eg, a sad story or you can change reader to any personality and ill try my best to write it that way ;D

So I'm pretty sure that's it so...

On With The Story!!


"People like you make me sick!" Your boyfriend screamed while preparing to hit a poor thug half way across Ikebukuro. Even when his angry his cute, you thought as you made your way through the crowd to hug none other than the one who made you happy.

"Hi Shizu-chan!!" You giggled, as you hugged said male around the waist. "Oh hey (M/N), sorry you had to see that..." He sheepishly chuckled while he pet you on the head. You smiled widely as you stared into his eyes, through the purple glasses of which you gave him.

You gave Shizuo the same glasses he wears everyday now. He has kept them with him all the time and even put them away when he thought they were in danger of being broken. Of course, due to his job and anger, they were bound to get ruined every now and then.

You knew times like that would happen so you made sure to have spares stored away for these occasions. Your glasses were the one thing that rivalled the bar tender suits he wore everyday. Normally, Shizuo would be working so you couldn't see him very often. So, to solve this problem you snuck out of work without anyone knowing and follow the line of wreckage to your beloved.

"I told you not to come to me when I'm working (M/N)." He groaned. He hated when you did that because for one, he knew you were probably in work, and two, that sometimes you get hurt doing so. You haven't been in too much danger lately, but in the past the worst its gotten was a broken arm.

Ever since that happened Shizuo felt guilty of being at fault. "Don't worrrrryyyy~ I'm on my break and ive been taking karate lessons" You whined while showing him karate moves you learnt of an anime. As usual, he knew you were lying about the karate annnddd being on break so all he did was pick you up by the back of the collar, like a cat, and started walking in the direction of your work.

"But I don't wannnnnaaaaaa! I wanna spend time with Shizu-chan!!" You complained, arms and legs flailing trying to get out of the gentle, not-so-gentle, giants grasp. All attempts failing and giving up you stop trying and stay still, limp, but still moaning small disagreements.

Seeing on how you looked like an innocent kitty, cute as you are, Shizuo let out a loud laugh that told the world how much he loved seeing you like that. But of course all good times must come to an end. In seconds you and Shizuo were surrounded by a group of thugs, obviously having a bone to pick with the one you love.

This instantly got your interest as you have never seen Shizuo handle a group of people before. " If you guys wanna fight, leave (M/N) out of this." Shizuo tried to reason but the thugs had other plans. "Sorry but we were told not to let either of you live" The thug group 'leader' smirked as he gave the signal to attack.

~~~~~~ Time Skip cause idk how to write fight scenes srrrryyyy ~~~~~~~~~~~

Of course by the end of it all, your precious Shizu-chan won the fight but not without any disadvantages. You were separated from Shizuo during the fight and, to put it nicely, watching fighting anime did not help. By the time Shizuo was finished your body was growing cold with multiple bruises, cuts and two stabs. Once in your right abdomen, and once on you left side, below the rib rage.

You being the dramatic type just had to be stubborn enough to fight off death until saying those final words. "I love you Shizu-chan... I'm glad you liked the glasses" so with a slight chuckle you slowly drifted off into your internal sleep.

Ever since that day Shizuo never was with without your glasses.


Hope you guys like this cheezy pile of idk what happened.

It was supposed to be sad and tie into the anime a bit with the glasses thing, oh whale.

I also stopped near the middle cause I wanted to finish Durarara x2 ten ep 24 so I did :D I'm watching Durarara x2 Ketsu now, at least I think its called ketsu, Feel free to request any character from any anime, if its from an anime I haven't watched ill tell you that it will take awhile, and ill watch that anime next so I can write the character.

Options this time rrrrrr

1. Kenma Kozume from Haikyuu

2. Kuroo Tetsuya from Haikyuu

3. Hide Nagachika from Tokyo Ghoul

Its also rlly late so I wont proofread this one. srry if theres mistakes!! Tell me if u pick up on any!!


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