Kirito ~ Save

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Haiii everyone!!!!

I'm so glad to c peepz putting this in their reading lists, voting and commenting!! TYASM!!!!! Oh and...


Hehe that's something I forgot to say before but the pics I have are ones I found online so yea cred to them but the fanfic is mine :3

This ones gonna be sad, well Ima try and make it sad. It's also taking place when the game first lost its log out button so yea :3 I think that's it, hope u guys like it!!



All the screams of agony around you. The curses, the swears. Of course there was also crying. But you? After the news of actually being able to die was energy draining. All u did was fall to your knees, later on to your side. How could this happen? Will I be able to see my family again? Will I die and be all alone? Those are just some of the thoughts going through your head.

It wasn't until minutes later you actually spilt a tear on the virtual pavement, finally wrapping your head around everything. Luckily you were a beta tester. Meaning that you knew that you had a chance. It's also meant you knew you had to level up, and quickly.

You picked your self up and ran. That's all you could think of. Run, keep running. Get to the next town and fight. That's all you can do, run, fight and survive. Finally reaching the town after minutes of sprinting, you slowed your pace and headed toward the best area to kill.

One after another the wild boars fell under your knife. Run, train, survive. That was he plan until you tried to slash your 46th boar. Yes, you counted each kill, it became a habit of yours. Anyway, that was until it lunged at you and was cut down by someone else. The pixels of the now dead boar rose into the fake atmosphere of this deadly world.

You looked at the prick who took your kill and stared at him like you were trying to kill him with your eyes. You had a bad temper when it came to someone stealing, especially when it was your kill. "Dammit! That was mine!" You yelled at your 'saviour'. "Woah there, it looked like you were about to take a fatal hit, so I helped and that's the thanks I get" Ok the one thing you hated more then stealing was smart asses and you were lucky enough to be 'saved' by a cute one.

Waiting for the anger to build up and trying to think of a comeback have you the time to take in their appearance. Coal black hair with a face cute enough you could hate it. He was obviously a beta tester too since they had the same idea. You blushed. You also hated how you blushed every time you saw someone cute. Your anger vanished with only a red face remaining. Luckily, you tamed your stuttering a few months ago.

"Your a beta tester, Arnt you?" He asked. You took in every word like each one you hear could be the last. "Umm no...I'm not" You said while fiddling with the handle of your knife. "Hahah! I don't even know you well and I already know your a bad liar" Yep, today was the day you had to be reminded of everything you hated. First someone steals from you, then he ends up being a cute smartass who made you blush and now? You just happen to be one of the worst liars ever, even strangers knew when you were lying!!

Ever since that day, you and your 'saviour', who you learnt to have the name of Kirito, have been together during everything. Clearing floor bosses, training, heck you practically took Asuna's place in his life. He normally stood up for you whenever someone called you a cheater or anything else with said with a negative purpose.

It's been 1 year since you met Kirito and he still hasn't become any less of a smartass. You were making your way to the next floor boss while talking about how would it be like when you two finally clear the game. You would probably start playing together everyday, maybe even move into an apartment together. You two have become like brothers. Brothers with secret crushes on each other. Yep. You read right. You have had a crush on Kirito for awhile now and you were planning on telling him at the newest floor after the floor boss.

That was the plan until you got ambushed by a group a red players. Kirito was well suited to fight them, they didn't have a chance. But you? You have actually been improving your blacksmith and healing skills ( is there healing skills in SAO?? Oh well if there isn't, just read along :,)) to help Kirito as much as you can, so you certainly weren't expecting to fight as much so you didn't focus on many fighting skills. Even though your level was far superior to Kirito's.

The group a players surrounded you both. You counted 17 of them. You both started fighting back to back. Even though they were at lower level you skill struggled to keep up with all of them at the same time. You would have warned Kirito that you needed help but it seemed like he had his hands full. Blow after blow you hit them and in return they hit you back. Your health bar was nearing the start of the yellow stage as you cringed at the amount of pain.

You ended up taking out all of them though. Just. Your health bar just turned red as you landed the final hit. The number of kills you counted was 8. You turned around to ask how Kirito was and if he needed healing. But, you were more focused on the next question. "How many kills did you get?" You desperately hoped for a nine. "I counted 8"

A few seconds later Kirito watched in horror as your face went deathly pale, followed by the horrific, monotone beep that signalled when a party member's health bar reached red. You fell limp on the ground without a sound, not even a single word said nor a single bird chirp or sound of a monster nearby. There wasn't even a sound from Kirito as he killed the one who stabbed you.

Kirito watched your face and held your hand as your health bar was a scratch away from depleting totally. "Kirito" you said with your scratchy, pain-filled voice. "(M/N)" Kirito replied with a steady river of tears escaping from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Kirito cried between sobs. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you"

It has been years since that time Kirito watched as you dissolved into pixel and faded away. Not before finally confessing your love, quiet enough that Kirito had just heard it. Ever since then, Kirito's friends, who were also your friends, tried to comfort Kirito as he felt insanely guilty for not being able to tell you his feelings. He has also been visiting your grave only to say two sentences every time.

"I love you (M/N)"
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you"


>~< Hope you guys like it!! I feel as tho that is cliche and has been done before but oh well :3. I haven't proofread this one either cuz me lazy but I hope it doesn't have to many mistakes!!

I also wrote half of it yesterday so sorry if it changed style or something a bit in the middle area.
Oh and I didn't realise how long it would beeeeee :0

Options this time r:

1) Rin Okumara from Blue Exorsist
2) Mikado from Durarara
3) ummmmm let's say.... Oh iwazumi from Haikyuu

I had to have a Haikyuu character sorrryyyyyy😅😹
If u don't like those chooses plz request any other anime character!! I'll do any ;3

Okie I think that's it for this time, hope u guys liked it Baiiiiiiiiii!!!!

OH WAIT HOLD UP I need a better cover for this book, do u guys think so too? Can u guys plz tell me any good ideas for a cover? I have no idea Wat to do but I'm pretty sure having nishi-bae as the cover isn't a good cover idea :3

Word count - 1409

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