Nishinoya Yuu ~ Pictures

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Heyo guys!!

This fanfic is when Nishinoya is in his third year and looks like the picture above^^^

I wrote this for a yaoi competition, with the first them being Fluff >.<

Good luck to those who also entered!!


You grinned devilishly as you got a hold of your beloved boyfriend's phone, who was taking yet another shower and re-dying his hair.
You used the home button to turn on the device, instantly seeing a picture of both of you taking a selfie, with a badly drawn, pink heart around both of your faces.

You blushed and smiled at it as you swiped to reveal the number pad.
It had taken you awhile and a lot of tries, but you finally know his passcode.
'6692' You typed, before it opened to the home page. He had hidden it well, but it wasn't exactly unexpected.
Going by letters, it spells N-O-Y-A.

You don't bother going through his messages or social media, since he wouldn't dare cheat on you, unless he wants to lose something; he definitely doesn't want to lose.
Instead, you decide to go into his camera roll. He had taken a lot of bad photos of you in the past and you desperately want them gone.

You scroll up to the top, nearly vomiting at how much selfies and photos he has of you.
Finally reaching the top, you start to examine each of the pictures carefully, being sure not to miss anything.

The first few photos were only of him and volleyball, since he hadn't met you at the time.
You started at Karasuno High earlier this year as a second year, Yuu being a third year.
"Volleyball, Volleyball, Tanaka, Volleyball, Tanaka, ew shirtless bathroom selfie. He is soooo lucky he has me now." You laughed as you went through his photos.

After about the first few photos, you started to come into the mix.
You started selecting all the photos you disliked until you reached one of a sunset. Memories of your first date flood your mind as you stared at the photo.


The classic bell rang though out the prison, signalling that it was freedom time for the prisoners.
You started packing your books away before making your way to your locker. You had English for last period which meant Ms Ferguson, the strictest teacher in the school, and a load of homework to be completed by tomorrow.

After placing your book neatly in your locker, you started heading out of this jail into the free outside before you got stopped by your boyfriend of a week.
"You. Me. Icecream. Now." He said while blushing cutely. The sun was about to set, the light making his hair stand out more then usual.

You took in his appearance before you answered. It wasn't often Yuu blushed, normally he had a grin and a list of cheesy pickup lines to say, so a blush was fairly rare.

Brown, gelled-up hair with two blonde streaks at the sides and one blonde streak in the middle above his forehead, along with a black piercing on his right ear and dark brown eyes.
At the time he had been avoiding your gaze and holding the back of his neck, making him look even cuter.

"But what about your practice? And I've got a lot of homework to do." You said, sadness laced in your words.
"I asked Hinata if I could skip practice today. I'll even do your homework for you? Please?" He pleaded with cute expecting eyes.

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