1. The Last Day of Summer

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Brian and I were at the beach, absorbing the fun of the last day of summer. Well.. for me. As a doctor, he doesn't get a summer vacation.

"Come into the water Katie! It's so nice!", Brian yelled to me from the water,

I shook my head. "No! I'm good, I'm just going to lay in the sand", I yelled back. The truth is, I'm really nervous for tomorrow. I'm starting my first day of freshmen year tomorrow, and my anxiety is high. My stomach is churning and the thought of being bullied by upperclassmen, makes me want to pour my eyes out!

Brian came running from the water. "Katie come on, get in the water! I want you to spend your last day of summer having fun! Not sitting in the sand alone", he said sitting next to me.

I looked up at him. "I'm good Brian", I said.

"Katie, what's wrong? I know there's something up with you", Brian said, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing, really', I said looking down.

"I don't think it's 'nothing' babe, you're acting very strange. Do you want to go home?", he asked.

I nodded. "yeah", I muttered.

Brian and I stood up and walked towards his truck.

"Katie open the door using the handle, don't touch the actual truck!!", Brian said.

I rolled my eyes, and did as I was told.

"Brian! It's just a truck", I said climbing into the front seat.

"It's a brand new truck", Brian said raising an eyebrow.

I gave a small laugh. "whatever", I said smiling up at my brother.

Ever since I got past my fear of doctors, my bond with Brian has grown. Which is a good thing. Before, I used to hide in my room when he came home from work. It's crazy to think.

"Well tomorrow is your first day of high school, how are you feeling about it?", Brian said rolling out of the beach.

I sighed. "Can we not talk about that?", I said.

"Aww Katie, is that what's bothering you?", Brian asked pulling into our driveway.

"Yeah, but can we please not talk about it?", I said looking down at my lap.

Brian turned off the truck. "Katie you have every right to be nervous. But trust me, everything is going to be okay", he said.

"yeah, I know", I said trying to make myself believe that.

"Well let's go inside, we still have about 6 hours before the sun dies", Brian said.

Brian and I walked into the house, and I flopped onto the couch.

"Do you have everything ready for tomorrow? Did you memorize your schedule?", Brian asked.

"ughh yesss! I did, all the that's left is actually going to school"

"Don't you worry babe, it'll be awesome! And you're on the cheer squad, that helps", Brian said.

"Well yeah, but all the cheerleaders act like they own the school. I'm not like that, and I definetley  do not own the school", I said sighing.

"Well I say to wear your cheer uniform. It'll make you feel like you belong at the school and maybe it'll soothe the jitters", Brian suggested.

"Yeah I was planning on it", I said smiling. I loved being on the cheer squad. The one thing I hated was when I hurt myself, and Brian went all crazy. I laughed thinking about it.

"Don't you worry bug. Well, I'm going to be in my office working on some papers. Feel free to go to the mall, or do something. Just let me know If you'll leave", Brian said.

I nodded. "thanks Brian, I'm just going to watch tv", I said snuggling against a stuffed bear.

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