In Just my boxers?

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Delirious POV

I look to Ohm with fear. His ideas are always evil and I mean evil. "No!.... *cough* I mean you don't have to do that for me Ohm. I'll just talk to him."I say hopping he'll let me handle it. Ohm rolls his eye's. "Yeah and I see how that is going." I cover my heart and fake gasp. "Ouch, Now I know who the b!tchy bottom is." Cartoonz burst out laughing and Ohm giggles but covers it up with a serious face.        

"Now on to the plan. Delirious I need you to strip. Hand over your clothes to me but keep your boxers on." Ohm said with no hint of shame. I look to him shaking my head thinking I heard him wrong. "Sorry what did you say?" Ohm smirks. "Take it all off but keep your boxers on. Don't want to give Vanoss the full show now do we?" I look to Cartoonz hopping he'll stop Ohm but all I get from him was a laugh. Cartoonz then covers his eye's. "Don't worry Del I know your shy. So I'll cover my eyes as you take off your clothes but I think Ohm wants me to be apart of this plan."    

I look to Ohm and he gives me a nod and then smirks. "*Sigh* What are you going to make me do?" I asked. Ohm puts his hand on his chin looking to me. "I'll tell you when you have your clothes off." I sigh then start to take my clothes off. "I bet you wanted to say that to Cartoonz." I laugh seeing Ohm blush. When I was done I look up to Ohm. Ohm grabbed me and Cartoonz dragging us up and in to the room I was staying in. 

I look back at Ohm but he ran out of the room closing the door softly. "What is he doing?" I say looking to Cartoonz. Cartoonz covers a smile then turns to sit on the bed. I look back at the door. "I wonder if I can put my clothes back on? Do I have to stay like this the whole time?" I turn and walk to the side of the bed where some clean clothes where. I grab a shirt and looked to it. "Well this will have to do for now." As I was about to put it on I smell Vanoss's scent on it. This made my omega instinct purr and me smile.    

I then hear running and the door being slam open. I see Vanoss looking pissed and Ohm behind him covering his face crying. 'What? Did I mess up everything again?'  Vanoss then growls out. "Mine!" Vanoss then runs up and grabs me pulling me close. Vanoss then starts to rub his scent all over me. Not understanding whats going on I push Vanoss away and see his eyes. There his brown ones but there full of agony and affection.      

Vanoss then looks behind me and growls loud baring his teeth. I look behind me and see Cartoonz walking closer to us. "What do you mean yours? Del is mine. Ohm is the one that's yours." Cartoonz said as he pulls me to him burying his face in my shoulder. Vanoss then grabs Cartoonz and throws him out of the room. Before he slammed the door Vanoss growled out. "Delirious is Mine." as he stared down Cartoonz.    

With the door closed Vanoss locks it turning to look at me but then looks down. "Hurry and Put something on." I look down to the shirt I had in my hands and started to put it on. "Not that one! It has that bastards scent on it!" Vanoss yelled grabbing the shirt from my hands throwing it on the floor. I feel anger coming from him and feeling it from the mark.  I stand there not knowing what to do.   

Vanoss looks to me and growls with anger. "Are you really okay with just showing everyone your body!? You probably are! Your an omega!" I start to get angry but then Vanoss's feelings start poring in to me.  aggravation, frustration, hurt,  insecurity,  jealousy, neglect, and panicked. 'Why? I understand why he's aggravated and he's must be frustrated with me. But why does he feel hurt and jealousy?'

I look to him seeing that he's still growling clenching his fists showing anger. I don't understand. These feelings don't match. 'Why don't they match?'  My eye's go wide and my hand goes to my mark. Vanoss eyes fallow my hand. "I...I think I feel Cartoonz's emotions. S..Sorry but I need to go him. I need to see whats wrong." All I see is Vanoss's eyes go wide as I run to the door but the next thing I know i'm on the floor feeling pain on my neck.      

I start to move but hear Vanoss growl then feel him bite down harder. I started to feel scared. 'Is he trying to kill me?' I move my hands to his chest to tell him that he's hurting and scaring me. He grabs my hands and holds them down to my sides biting down even harder. "What are you doing?! Stop!" I yelled trying to get out of his hold. But he doesn't stop. 'Someone..I need someone to stop him!' I look to the door. "C...Cartoonz!" 

Vanoss stops siting up and looking me in the eyes. But i'm to scared to even look back at him. I start to feel something drip on me. 'God is it my blood?' I look down to see water falling on me. 'Water?' I look up to Vanoss and see his eyes full of tears. Vanoss lets go of my arms pulling me close to his chest. Then the door slams open bits of it falling everywhere.      

I feel Vanoss jump but he loosens his grip on me. Cartoonz throws Vanoss agents the wall. "What the hell do you think your doing!" Cartoonz then looks to me and see's my neck. "F*ck, Del are you okay?" I nod then look to Vanoss he's just sitting there looking to us. Cartoonz see's this and growls protectively. I see Vanoss make a face full of pain. I feel my heart squeeze in pain. I move past Cartoonz and push myself  in to Vanoss's chest. Vanoss pulls me closer hugging me.      

Vanoss looks to my neck seeing how bad it is he pulls me closer. I hear Cartoonz get up and feel Vanoss grip on to me harder. I then hear Vanoss wimpier feeling him look to me than back to Cartoonz. Vanoss then looks up and glares at Cartoonz. I feel a growl come out of Vanoss. "My mate! Mine!"  

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