Telling a friend the secret

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Had time so here's another one

Delirious POV

I wake-up in a big room in a bed that's a bit to big for one person even for someone that sleep's like I do. I sit up and sniff the air. "Oh this is Cartoonz new place." I look around then memory's of the fight I had with Vanoss comes back. My chest starts to hurt again and it hurts to breathe so I yell for Cartoonz.      

Cartoonz run's in and sees that i'm having trouble breathing. "Del relax everything ok. Just breathe." Cartoonz rubs my back. "What do you think i'm trying to do. I don't know what's wrong with me every time I think of the fight I just..." Cartoonz pulls me in to a hug. "Crap Del I wouldn't have fought with him if I knew you'll get like this. Your even crying Del and you never cry over stupid fights. Even one's we had with each other."          

"I'm crying?" I wipe my eye's to see that I really am crying. This only makes me cry more. "Cartoonz what's wrong with me!? Even before the fight the whole time I've been away from home, I've been a crying mess." Cartoonz rocks me back and forth humming. "Your not home sick? Maybe your over stressed or is it that guy you where staying with?" I sit up and look at Cartoonz. "Vanoss? No he can't be the reason it's probably hormones." Cartoonz looks me in the eye's. "Does his words hurt more than anyone else's?" I shake my head. "They do but it's probably is just stress. I'm just scared they'll find out my secret and hate me for it."   

Cartoonz pulls my face up to stop me from rubbing my eye's. "Then what does the fight that just happen have to do with them finding out? Your hurting for a different reason Del and if what you say is true the thing about your hormones than is it this Vanoss that's making your hormones go crazy? Are his hormones making him go crazy?" I look away from Cartoonz. "That's not it Cartoonz! My other friends Tyler and Mini, There hormones were going crazy too! Me and Vanoss are not the only one's going thou this!"   

Cartoonz puts his hand on my shoulder. "Were? Then why don't you do what they did?" I look to Cartoonz shaking. "Cartoonz There mates.. I can't..not with Vanoss. Not with anyone. I just can't." Cartoonz pulls me in and holds me close. "Del, Not everyone would hate you for lying or for being a omega." I start to cry again. "But so many do Cartoonz! They look to us Omegas like all we are, are just weak things that spread are legs to anyone and everyone. Even Vanoss.... Even he thinks this way. If he found out he'll reject me for sure. I just wouldn't be able to handle something like that."             

I wake up again I guess I fell asleep looking to my side I see Cartoonz on the other side of the bed. I start to hear the buzzing that woke me up. It's Cartoonz phone. I grab it and look to see who is calling but there's no name. 'This number, It's Ohm's.' Should I answer? I do want to ask Ohm if he really is Cartoonz mate and tell him I'm happy for the both of them. "Hey Ohm it's me Delirious. Sorry for answering your call when your calling for Cartoonz but I want to tell you I'm..." Cartoonz yawns and covers his eye's from the phone light. "Del what are you doing turn off the phone and go back to sleep. The light is waking me up." Cartoonz rolls over and covers his head with the blanket. I go back to talking to Ohm. "Sorry, The thing I wanted to say is..." Ohm stops me. "Fuck you Delirious."        

Ohm hangs up. I try to call him back but he probably turned off his phone. "Shit! Cartoonz wake up I think I gave Ohm the wrong idea about us." Cartoonz jumps up and see's I have his phone. He grabs the phone from me. "What the hell did you do Delirious!" Cartoonz get's up and try's to call Ohm but he still didn't answer. "Damn, Thing's were all ready bad in are relationship and you had to go and make it worse!" I get up and try to grab Cartoonz arm but he pull his arm away. "It's not like I went and did it on purpose! I just wanted to tell him I'm happy for him."  

"So you go an use my phone for it! Damn it Delirious just because your love life is shit doesn't mean you can make mine the same!" I feel myself brake down. I started crying and wailing. "Del?! Sorry, I thought you'll hit me like you always do when we fight. Shit sorry please stop crying." It hurts, I hate it. Crying hurts. "Everything is my fault Everything!" I cry out. "No Del it's not. It wasn't on purpose like you said." cartoonz said trying to comfort me. "No it is! I'm the reason Mini and Tyler couldn't be mate's sooner making them fight. I'm the reason Vanoss is going through so much! And I'm the reason Ohm isn't answering your calls! It's all me I should just disappear from everyone's live's you guy's will be so much happier with out me!"      

"Del! There's no way you could have known that will happen for any of them. You can't control what will happen and what will not. And if you go and disappear on me be ready for me to find you and bring you right back here." Cartoonz hugs me close and I just let out all the pain and all the stress I've held in for these last few day's.    

Cartoonz phone goes off he lifts it and his face goes in to a small smile then looks to me. "It's Ohm." Cartoonz shows me. "Than answer it idiot." I laugh. Cartoonz answers but hands the phone to me. "He wants to talk to you." I look to Cartoonz than at the phone. I grab it with shaky hands. "Ohm?" I say with my voice cracking giving away that I've been crying. "Delirious i'm so sorry. I know your not the type to sleep around I just... My alpha instinct was just so mad that someone else was with are mate and the fact that where not marked made me more uneasy." I start to tear up. "Ohm, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you misunderstand it's all my fault."         

"Delirious it's not your fault it's mine. So now you know my secret so you should tell me yours." Ohm laugh's joking about the last part. "Ok I'll tell you." Ohm stops laughing. "Delirious you don't have to." Ohm said trying to show that he's not forcing me to tell. "No I want to. Ok so you know Mini's an omega right?" Ohm gasps. "Delirious don't tell me you fell for him?" I laugh "No that's not it. Well I'm like Mini. Ohm... I'm an omega."  

It's quiet for a while then I here a growl. 'He hate's me.' I start to cry. "Sorry! I didn't mean to! It's just your with Cartoonz and I just..." I laugh wiping the tears from my eye's. "It's ok. Oh And I should tell you Cartoonz really wants to mark you. He was going on an on about how he wants to make you fully his." Cartoonz jumps for the phone. "What are you telling him Del!" I jump on to the bed out of reach of Cartoonz. "What. Isn't it all true?" Cartoonz jumps for me but misses. "Of course it's true. But I Want Ohm to fully love me back before I can mark him."      

I toss him the phone. "Well tell Ohm that even thou he heard you just fine right now." Cartoonz blushes then look to the phone. "I'll get you back for this Del." Cartoonz said as he walked out of the room to talk to Ohm in privet. "Damn, I fell ten times better after a good cry. Well all that's left to do is apologize to Vanoss. Hope it all goes well."    

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