A stupid plan

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Delirious POV

I wake up, Take a shower, And get ready. I'm scared but I have to do this. I have to go to Vanoss's house and apologize. While I'm there and still strong I'll Tell everyone the secret but I wont tell them that Vanoss is my mate. But I'm scared of how Vanoss will act when I tell him. Will he hate me, Will he be mad that I lied, or will he reject me knowing were mate's? I just know There's not going to be a happy ending and I'm prepared for it. Well, I'll be lying if I said I didn't have a little hope that he'll feel the same but seeing how things ended last time I don't think things will end with everyone smiling. Sighing I head out to the car.

Cartoonz and I are in his car driving to Vanosses. I'm looking out the window letting the wind calm me down. Cartoonz and I are not talking because we know that if we did I'll just be saying, What if this and what if that  And he doesn't want to get me worked up or scared. To calm myself down I tell myself that if things don't go well I'll still have Cartoonz and hopefully Ohm too. I feel the car stop I look up to see where already at Vanoss's.

I take deep breaths trying to calm myself down a bit before I go in there. "Del if you want I can go in there with you." Cartoonz said looking to the house then to me with a worried look. "No, I'll be fine, And i'm sure Vanoss wouldn't want you in he's house after what happen." I shake my head laugh but the laugh comes out a little sad. I sigh looking to Vanoss's house then back to Cartoonz giving him a small smile. I turn and get off the car. 'Well here goes nothing.'

I walk up to the door and knock. I hear Mini walking to the door while talking to someone. I see the door open and see Mini but his face changes from one full of smiles to one with anger when he see's it's me. "Delirious, What the hell's wrong with you!? We heard from Moo that You let your 'friend' hurt Vanoss and just left. Vanoss is really hurt Delirious." Mini said walking closer to me. 

"Mini I'll tell you guy's everything just let me inside so we could talk." I said trying to calm him down. "No, Don't let him inside Mini. He just want's to get in here to get his shit. He wont answer any of are questions he just trying to trick you to get in then leave right after." Tyler said blocking the door. "I'm not going to do that! I really want to talk please just let me say what I have to say then I'll leave if you guy's want me to." I said almost begging.      

Mini looks to Tyler. Tyler sighs and moves to let me in. "Where going to be talking in the living room no where else."Tyler said a bit aggravated. I nod and slowly make my way to the living room sitting down on the sofa. "So how could you just leave Vanoss like that?" Mini said looking to me with anger. "Look Vanoss was mad and my mind was a mess and Vanoss started fighting with Cartoonz I stopped them but Vanoss wanted me to leave so I did. Cartoonz grabbed my hand to helped calm me down So I went with him. But be for you ask another question I want everyone here. They all have questions and I want them to hear what I have to say." I said looking to both Mini and Tyler.        

Mini looks to me with wide eye's. "Wait, Delirious is this Cartoonz guy your mate!?" Mini said jumping up in shock and anger. But before I could correct him Tyler spoke up. "Delirious's mate? How could a beta let alone an omega beat up a top alpha like Vanoss? Delirious mate would of had to be a top alpha too, But Delirious is an alpha right? So why would his mate...." Tyler looks to me then Mini. Mini has his hands covering his mouth looking to me. "Wait what? Don't tell me Delirious is also..." Tyler Looked to Mini.    

I jump up covering Tyler's mouth. "Please don't say anything I want to tell everyone myself. So go get them Please." I look to him with sad eye's. Tyler pulls my hand away from his mouth. "Whatever. I don't give a shit. Tell everyone then just leave and go back home or to your mate Cartoonz." Tyler said still mad. He probably feels like I picked Cartoonz over everyone and feels betrayed. I stop him and made him look to me. "Tyler I do plan to go to my mate but Cartoonz isn't my mate But I know who is. This is why I need to talk to everyone."        

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