Spot Three: Mia Sayers (@yellowbillycat)

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Name: Mia Sayers

Age: Twenty-four

Sex: Female

Appearance: The setting is, in most cases, irrelevant; there are few instances in which a passerby can take a quick glance in Mia's direction and not see a girl shrouded in light, both neon and natural. However, this isn't a quality most would identify, as light isn't recognized as a sentient object with the intentions of wrapping around a favorite individual. Other than that, most folks tend to categorize Mia as a girl shrouded in mystery instead. Not a lot about her makes much sense: a sun-deprived, blunt face and square jaw framed by mismatched blonde hair (the shorter left side the result of an experimental hairdo), painted eyes staring into space, most times through a set of brand-new glasses. In more formal settings such as a classroom, one might find Mia buried in the folds of an oversized sweatshirt.

Personality: Mia isn't a particularly talkative person, a trait common amongst the misunderstood. This silence, though, shouldn't be confused with social ineptitude; parties and clubs, in her opinion, aren't something to be avoided or approached with caution. It's not a common school of thought, but it's one that she's adopted nonetheless. It's because of this way of thinking that she's seen in clubs dancing alone, and she credits this as the main reason for all the small drama surrounding her. In fact, she's found that she's applied this mixed-up behavioral policy to most of her everyday life, from buying groceries to the way she relaxes during lectures. While occasional stares can get awkward, she allows herself to find the humor in making others slightly uncomfortable.

Background: Mia likes to think she's different than her parents and those she grew up around, but even people unaware of her circumstances can see that her actions and choices are growing more self-destructive as time passes. She, too, sometimes snaps out of her manic-pixie trance in the early morning to wander around her lonely dorm, avoiding the empty Adderall bottles and wine coolers that roll out from their hiding places at such hours. Even in clearer states of mind, pinpointing what exactly went wrong and when it happened is still a form of mental overexertion and stress. Another bottle is enough to remedy this torment, at any rate. After all, what fun is a mystery if it's not for everyone, she laughs.

Invitation: It's a mysterious party on an island. Why the hell not?

Other: In other words, Melodrama: The Girl.

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