Chapter Fifteen

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"Sorry I couldn't help but notice you sitting alone, is anyone joining you?" Kaea looked up and met eyes with a beautiful brown boy.

"Aw no it's just me" Kaea shyly replied averting her eyes

"Would you mind if I joined you?"

She shook her head and slightly kicked the chair in front of her back. He smiled, placing his food on the table and taking a seat.

"I'm Ezekiel"

"Kaea" she smiled, firmly shaking his hand. He cleared his throat before blessing the food.

Ezekiel took it upon himself to start a conversation with Kaea. Kaea told him that she was new to the area and had come from western Sydney. She said how she was an only child and spoke highly of her family.

Zeke told Kaea he had just finished work and was hungry so he came to the mall for lunch. He also confessed that he found Kaea beautiful and admired the way she kept to herself. His sweet talk sparked up a warm smile in Kaea, it had been a while since she had felt this happy and relaxed.

"So is there a significant other I should know about before I ask for your number?"

"Not really ... but friends?" She shyly smiled, not wanting to jump into a relationship at the moment.

"I'll take what I can get" He smiled back passing his phone to her. A faint blush appeared on her cheek as she entered her number.

Ezekiel: Just want to say good morning and thanks for the company yesterday, have a good day ... ps I'm hoping this is the right number and you didn't set me up 

Kaea woke up to that text. Under no circumstances would she accept falling for Zeke, purely due to the fact that she wasn't looking for a relationship and a small fraction of her heart still belonged to Treymaine. She bit her lip contemplating whether she was going to respond,

Good morning Ezekiel, hope you have a good day too!

Kaea sighed, rubbing her hand on her growing belly, six more months baby. An incoming call from April brought her back to reality, with an invitation to dinner. It had been over two months since she last saw any of her family. She grew uneasy, time was running out and soon she would have to confess or she was going to get caught.

"I'll be at yours around 7" she sighed back into the phone

"Omg I'm so excited , imma go now and organise a bbq cos I just made that one up to get you to come okay I love you bye" April shrieked before hanging up.

Kaea smiled, rubbing her tummy. Boy, did she miss her best friend and the innocence she possessed. Kaea called through to her mum and announced her return home before bidding goodbye to her aunty and beginning the 60 minute drive back home. Sydney's skies were still and quiet , perfect for her journey home.

Turning up the radio to D'angelo's Cruising placed her the perfect atmosphere, relaxing her muscles and letting Kaea drown in his smooth voice. She was almost home and the ache she had in her tummy only grew, nervousness flooded through her body and her heart thumped against her chest, almost as if it was soon to pop out. The loud music coming from April's house interrupted her mental panic attack , bringing her back to earth.

Her stomach only grew more uneasy , oh how she missed all these people yet there was so much they didn't know, and after tonight nothing would be the same. Sounds of laughter and mere chatter only grew louder as Kaea neared the front door. Without any second thought, or a chance to overthink, she knocked on the door.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" a high-pitched shriek escaped from Genesis' lips, who pulled Kaea into him and lifted her off the ground.

"Sole who's at the door!" Revelation came running towards to front door, only to drop the knife which was once in his right hand and join the bear hug.

After a few seconds they all released each other, with growing eyes on Kaea stomach.

"Okay it's either you've gained weight or-" - Gen blurted which earned a slap from Rev

"Aunty Kaea!!" Elijah ran up hugging her leg followed by a confused Roman.

"No questions... come outside and say hi to everyone" he nodded giving her a hug before ushering everyone outside.

Kaea saw the people she called family. Plates and bowls of food filled the entire table with esky's of drinks underneath, the stars and moon above illuminating the dark sky, creating a beautiful night.

Soon enough, April ushered everyone around the food table with a giant grin on her face. She said a small speech about family and hardships, as well as Kaea's returns.


Hours passed and April decided to take Kaea for a drive, seeing as that was the only way they could truly be alone.

"You're keeping it?" April looked at her sister and best friend with sad eyes.

"The easiest and safest option for everyone is to keep what happened that night a secret... I don't have time for the boys wanting to put this situation in their own hands" Kaea huffed.

"But- those decisions won't make you happy, K. What are you going to do about Trey?"

"I already broke it off... but I'll be honest and tell him it's someone else's if the time comes. Despite the actions , this baby is a blessing "

"What happened wasn't cheating Kaea" April narrowed her eyes which only earned a faint smile from Kaea.

April only nodded, making her way back to her house. At this late hour , not many cars were on the road, nor was there much people. April's car was stopped and directed to a detour when police cars were at the corner of the shopping centre.

The road going home was blocked. Crowd of people huddled around the cars, something had happened and the public was curious.

"That's Sefa's bike" April pointed to the familiar silver bike road, although now it was dented and scratched, right in front of the town centre. Pulling over her car to the side, both girls jumped out and proceeded to where the crowd was.

Pushing and shoving through the waves of people , they saw what all the commotion was. Lying in front of them was a team of paramedics , tending to some guy on the ground. It wasn't until April screamed that Kaea noticed the guy laying on the ground was in fact ... Sefa.


Seven hours later and Sefa was finally out of surgery. The whole clan showed up to the hospital despite visiting hours ending five hours ago. Roman and Roger paced up and down the halls, unable to sit down and relax until they knew for sure that their brother was safe. 

"Sis i'll take you home so you can rest, promise we'll come back first thing in the morning and the boys will send us updates" April gripped Kaeas elbow but she waved her off, wanting to stay in case anything important happened. Elijah was fast asleep on the waiting room couch.

Two doctors came out of the room.

"His condition is stable for now and he only has a broken leg from the collision of the truck... we have him under medication to ease the pain but he'll need a good nights rest in order to regain his strength. You're all free to go home and do the same, and your welcome to return in the morning" The doctor nodded. Roman shook his hand and thanked him whilst the rest of the clan moved in for one big bear hug. April and Kaea releasing a few tears of joy whilst clinging onto their brothers.

Everyones next motion was to leave seeing as everyone was tired from a long day as well as the added stress from Sefa's bike accident. Kaea took one look back at the hospital door before holding onto April and walking out of the hospital.

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