18. Fighter

440 7 5

Michaels P.O.V.

Today we had a day of choreography, which means that we were done with reversals by 12 today. That was perfect. Jay and Juliet were hanging out today, and I wanted to tag along with them. You know just to make sure that everything went smoothly. As much as I did think they were cool now, you never know what could go wrong. It was Jay and Juliet, with Chance, Mikey, and I trailing behind them. Not stalkery or anything, they knew we were there. We just thought it'd be good to give them space. We walked along a strip of stores in LA that I would have never brought myself to. It was packed with people like the rest of LA, but there was something very very sketchy about this area. The girls were walking about five feet in front of us.

We were is laughing and joking, everything was great. Which was strange, for the first time in a month everything felt normal. Till a group of a few girls stopped Jay and Juliet. We were standing by a sunglass both that had distracted Chance, but I was watching the girls. Thats when it happened one of the girls shoved Juliet.  Jay responded to the girl with a fist to the face, we all rushed over to see what was happening.  I helped Juliet up off the ground, making sure she was okay.

Jay and the girl were going at each other, both getting good blows in on the other until the girls boyfriend jumped in grabbing Jay.

"Dont fucking touch her." Mikey yelled shoving the boy away from Jay.

Jay landed one last kick to the girls face as Mikey pulled her up away from the other girl.

"What happened?" I asked as we all walked away following behind Jay who was walking away quickly. 

She looked at us and laughed slightly, reaching up  wiping some blood away from her eyebrow.

"Its a long story." She said

All of our eyes went from Jay to Juliet, in search of an answer to what had just happened. Juilet shrugged her shoulders.

"Its a long story." Juliet said

She walked away from me and the other boys were to where Jay was. They looked at each other before looking back at us.

"Let's go get lunch." They both said

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." Me and the boys all said.

The girls smiled, and carried on like nothing had ever happened. We walked up the street to some restaurant we had passed earlier. We all walked in together, the waiter seating us at a table. Chance, Mikey, and Jay sitting on one side with me and Juliet on the other. We all glanced over the menus, Chance picked out what he wanted and set the menu down. He like the rest of us looked at Jays beaten face when we thought she wasn't looking. She noticed and got up.

"I'll be right back." She said leaving the table.

She walked away and headed towards the bathroom. Chance got up after her.

"I'm just gonna go make sure she is okay." Chance said.

We all nodded watching him head in the same direction she had.

Jays P.O.V.

Juliet and I were walking along with the boys a little bit behind us. Everything was going great, until I was stopped by a group of girls I knew.

"Oh hey. Look who it is." One girl said

I rolled my eyes.

"It's nice to finally see you on the street where no one can protect you." Zoe said

I laughed. This girl had the audacity to say that to me? She was one of the other girls who applied for the internship I got on Boy band. She was mad when she didn't get the job, then when she found out my dad works for ABC she assumed I was just handed the job to me. From then on she had it out for me.

"I'm not the one who needs protection." I said

"And who is this bitch?" Zoe said

"None of your business, now back off." Juliet said boldly.

"You got some nerve talking to me like that bitch." Zoe said shoving Juliet to the ground.

With out second thought, I connected my fist to Zoes face. My fists colliding with her body, I knew she was getting good hits in as well. I felt pain in my body, but it was dulled by the adrenaline in my body. I felt someone grab me.

"Don't fucking touch her." I heard Mikey yell as he shoved the person off me.

Mikey grabbed me, pulling me up off Zoe. I landed one last blow to her face with my foot as Mikey pulled me away. I walked away as fast as I could.

"What happened?" Michael asked

I looked at them and laughed slightly, reaching up  wiping some blood away from my eyebrow.

"Its a long story." I said

All of their eyes went from me to Juliet, in search of an answer to what had just happened. Juilet shrugged her shoulders.

"Its a long story." Juliet said

I smiled a little, we had only been friends for a few days and she was already taking on my habits. No doubt Michael will hate me for that. Juliet walked away from Michael and the other boys were to where I was. we looked at each other before looking back at the boys.

"Let's go get lunch." We both said

Michael rolled his eyes at us.

"Fine." the boys all said.

We smiled, and carried on like nothing had ever happened. We walked up the street to some restaurant we had passed earlier. We all walked in together, the waiter seating us at a table. Chance, Mikey, and I sitting on one side with Michael and Juliet on the other. We all glanced over the menus, Chance picked out what he wanted and set the menu down. He looked at my bloody and bruised face, like the rest of the boys did when they though I wasn't looking. I was looking though, I was always looking. I got up and excused myself from the table.

"I'll be right back." I said leaving the table.

I walked to the bathroom , then inside it. I. Grabbed a paper towel, and wet it under the water in the sink. I stared at my face for a second. It was bruised and bloody, I had scratches all along my face. The biggest one running over the top of my right eyebrow. I was about to press the paper towel to my face when I heard my name.

"Jay?" Chance said, I jumped startled by his presence.

"What are you doing in the girls bathroom!" I shouted

"I came to check on you." He said coming closer.

"Well I'm fine, everything is fine." I said

"Everything is not fine." Chance said grabbing the paper towel out of my hand.

He brought the paper towel up to my face, and gently dabbed it on my cuts.

"Now you don't have to tell me what happened." He said cleaning the blood off my face, "but I don't want to hear you say its fine again, cause it's not."

I nodded my head agreeing with what he had said. He finished cleaning up my face and I looked at myself in the mirror, I had many scratches. It hadn't all set in yet, but soon I would have a fat black eye and dark bruises on my face.

"Are you okay?" Chance asked as I looked back at him.

"I will be." I said

We walked out of the bathroom and sat back down with everyone else. I have to admit, sometimes I don't know what I would do with out these boys.

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