6. Shooketh

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Michael's P.O.V.

Jay had only been here for a few days but I love her being here. She and JHype are my favorite people here, I love them both so much. We have been hanging out a lot together.

Jay and I were hanging out in Chances room. I was laying down on my stomach on one of the beds , Jay was laying flat on top of me facing the ceiling.

"Y'all act like you've known each other forever for kids who meet only a few days ago." Chance said

"Yeaaaah, we only meet a few days ago suuuuree." Jay said

I tried to elbow her, but it didn't quite work.

"You didn't meet a couple days ago did you?" Chance said raising an eyebrow at us.

"We're actually twins." Jay said.

"Identical?" Chance asked.

Jay rolled off me and looked at Chance.

"Yes Chance we are identical twins, under these leggings I have a penis." Jay said

"Well shit , fuck I don't know the difference in whatever twins their are." Chance said

"Shes lying." I said "We meet in a crack house on the south side of shaker, we shared a needle."

Jay rolled her eyes.

"Thats a lie, he tells that story to everyone." Jay said, "Where we really meet was the whore house on sixteenth avenue. I bought him for 15k."

Chance just stared at us.

"Do you guys just make shit up as you go along." He said

"Yeah basically." I said, "but we really meet in a mall in Cleveland."

"Yup." Jay said, "I took a trip to Cleveland for spring break then accidentally asked Michael for his phone number right in front of his girlfriend."

"Oh shit." Chance said, "did you really?",

Jay nodded her head laughing.

"It was so embarrassing." Jay said , "they weren't being relationshipy so I didn't think they were dating! I ended up getting his phone numer cause he thought I had a big pair of balls on me but still to this day I'm embarrassed. AND his girlfriend still hates me."

"It was HILARIOUS." I said, "You should have seen the look on your face when I told you Juliet was my girlfriend."

Jay hit me in the shoulder.

"I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!" She yelled at me

"We didn't want to tell the boys." I said, "we didn't even know the other would be here till we saw each other."

"But you told me?" Chance questioned

"I trust you, I don't think you'll tell anyone." Jay said

"But you didn't want the others to know because?" Chance asked

"No matter what people always think we're dating." I said, "we figured if we pretended not to know each other that people wouldn't think anything of it. That way any boy who wanted to flirt with her could with out feeling intimidated."

"You know who I wish would FUCKING STOP flirting with me?" Jay said, "butcher. He won't fucking stop, like clearly I have a thing for Hype."

"Awww thats so cute you have a thing for Hype." Chance said

"Everyone knows, you can tell by how I act." Jay said

"Yeah but it's cute to hear you say it." Chance said, "like just hearing you admit it is so cute."

Jay rolled her eyes at Chance.

"Okay but my real question is how did yall come up with the twin thing. You two look nothing alike." Chance said

"We looked like twins when she had brown hair." I said

"You had brown hair?" Chance questioned. "But it's so blonde now."

"Yeah I dyed it after spring break." Jay said, "Im dying it back brown at three this afternoon."

"Your hair must be so dead." Chance said

"Surprisingly not." Jay said

"Aww were gonna twin again." I said

"Yeah its gonna be great dad. I told Hype I'd hang out with him before tho so I gotta skip out on yall." Jay said

"Wait what about bros before hoes." Chance said

"I am with my bros, about to be with my hoes so." Jay said

Jay got up from the bed and gave Chance a quick hug.

"See you later dad." She said heading for the door.

"Why do you call everyone dad? Chance asked

"It's a habbit." Jay said, "I call eveyone dad."

"Except for Hype, you call him daddy." I said laughing

Jay picked up a shoe off the floor and threw it at me. Then bolted out the door. Chance and I were both still in the room, dying laughing.

"It was totally worth it." I said

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