13. Packing

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Jay's P.O.V

I was laying down with Jack in the why don't we house. The only ones in the house were Jack, Corbyn, the twins and I. Jack and I had finally gotten the twins to sleep, and laid down ourselves, I curled up to him with my head in his chest. My phone began to ring, I almost let it go to voicemail before I saw it was my dad.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Jay , its dad." My dad said, "work got a little more serious than I thought, I had to fly out to New York and fix some things. Can you watch the twins for the next few days?"

"How many is the next few days?" I asked.

"I'll be back Friday morning, You can stay at my house." My dad said, "You can even bring one of the boys to help you."

"Yeah I can do that." I said

"Thank you Jay." Dad said, "I'll owe you big time. I love you , I'll see you Friday."

"Love you too dad, see you Friday." I said

I looked up at Jack from where I was laying.

"If you pack tonight I can take you to the airport in the morning from my dads house." I said

Jack just groaned.

"I don't want to pack." Jack said, "Will you pack for me?"

I started to get up but I was pulled back into Jacks chest.

"I didn't mean right now." Jack said

"Its four right now, it will take me half an hour to pack," I said, "It takes an hour to get to my dads house, plus the time to get dinner cause I'm not cooking tonight."

Jack gave me a look.

"Okay fine." Jack said.

I got out of bed and pulled his suitcase out of the closet. I set it on the bed by Jacks feet, he was scrolling on his phone. I opened his drawers and started choosing clothes to pack for Jack.

"You know if you help me pack your things it would go faster." I said

"Yeah, I know." Jack said, "but I really enjoy looking at you."

I laughed ,

"Okay Jack." I said

I pulled basically everything out of his drawers and put it into his suit case. Jack got up while I was putting together outfits on his bed. He rapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him and setting his head on my shoulder. He just stood there holding onto me as a put together outfits.

"You know you're the best." Jack said

"Yeah, I knew that." I said

Jack laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're a big ol butt head." Jack said

"I knew that too." I said turning and giving Jack a peck on the cheek

Jack began to lightly kiss my neck.

"You know," he said in between kisses, "we haven't done anything in a long time."

I laughed.

"You mean we haven't done anything since the only time we did something." I said

"Yeah," Jack said, "thats what I meant."

He chuckled a little sliding his hand from from my waist down a little lower.

"Jack." I said.

Jack pushed himself closer to my back laughing.

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