Chapter eleven.

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Chapter eleven.

'This mail came for you.' Said Missy, the nurse who had been assigned to look after me. Since the boys were away, and no one really thought i was capable of looking after myself, against my wishes i had been put into hospital.

'Ah thank you.' I said taking the envelope from her hand. Once she had left my room i opened it. For some reason, my stomach filling with butterflys after realizing it was from Liam.

I was honestly starting to think he had forgotten about me. I had gone from seeing and talking to him everyday, to hardly speaking to him at all. I knew how busy they were, but its not like he was just my best mate now. He was my boyfriend.

'Dear Nialler,

I know it seems as though i may have forgotten about you, and im truely sorry that i have only contacted you a few times since we left. You know how busy we get.

I want you to know that since the minute I left you, You have not left my mind. I swear all i think about all day everyday is you. What are you doing? What would it be like if you were here? Why did this have to happen now?

I honestly don't know what to write, and by the time you get this we will most likely almost be home.

I miss you Niall. Its not the same without you here, making us all laugh and eating all our food. Its just so dull.

I feel so lonely without you, even though i have the other lads.

They asked me what was up yesterday, apparently i've been acting differently. More distant. I think they fell for my cover up. I know it was partly true, but to them you and I are just best friends.

I hate keeping this from them, I hate keeping it from everyone. I feel horrible for keeping something so big from our best friends. They deserve the right to know. I don't know about you, but i still can't bring myself to tell them. I know they won't judge us, but i don't know Niall. I just don't know.

I really don't know what else to say. I just really really miss you, i'm counting down the days till i see you again.

The hospital will be my first stop, and i won't be leaving till you are coming with me.

I can't wait to hold you in my arms.

I love you,

Your boy, Liam.


I could feel a lump in my throat after reading his letter. Although it was nothing major, hearing from him really just confirmed how much i really do miss him!

Three days. Three days till Liam would walk through that door.

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