Chapter three.

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Chapter three.

As the night went on, things got more interesting. Sabrina followed me almost everywhere, like a lost little puppy. Don't get me wrong, she was cute. But she wasn't my type. However, i was almost certain she was the kind of girl Zayn likes. All the staring he did didn't give it away at all.

'So you're in a band yeah?' She asked jumping up on the counter. She had followed me into the kitchen when i went to get another drink.

'Yeah.' I replied simply. She was kind of starting to get on my nerves. She knew i was in a band, and i could tell she knew things about us. She wasn't fooling anyone.

'I'm going to go out to the pool with everyone else.' I said grabbing a few drinks from the fridge and walking past her. I part of me felt like i was being far too rude. But i really just wasn't in to mood for girls acting stupid. My mind was far too occupied with other things...

Since it was the middle of winter, we decided our heated indoor pool was the way to go! I walked through the sliding doors, a wave of heat hit me followed by the strong smell of chlorine. To me it was a pleasant smell.

I looked around expecting to find everyone in here. Zayn was by himself, dangling his legs in the edge of the pool. Harry and Ivy lay on one of the chairs cuddling. Louis and Rachel where no where to be found, as always.

I felt my heart sink a little when my eyes fell upon Liam and Sierra in the pool. I watched the way they splashed each other playfully. The way they looked at each other made me feel sick.

I tried to change my train of thoughts. I had no idea why i suddenly hated Liam and Sierras relationship. I didn't know why i felt sad seeing them together. It was freaking me out, i had never felt this before.

Once i felt Sabrina enter the room not too long after me i decided to take action. I had to take my mind off all this stuff some how.
'Feel like going in?' I turned to her and ask. Her face lit up a little before she looked down at her hands.

'I don't have my bathers...' She said. Perfect.
'Just wear what you have on underneath.' I said with a little wink. Nothing like a half naked chick to get your mind off everything.

She hesitated a little before agreeing. I took my top off and unbuttoned my jeans, it was only fair i swim in my underwear as well. Once i had removed my clothes i ran, jumping into the pool.

'Dudeee!' Liam complained whiping the extra water off of his face. I just laughed when suddenly a splash of water came towards my face. I opened my eyes to see Sabrina in front of me, a playful look on her face.

I knew right then that she would definetly help to get Liam and Sierra off my mind.

I pushed through the water towards her, pushing her up against the side of the pool. I didn't care that everyone had their eyes on me. My lips came crashing down onto hers, she instantly reponded.

I let my hands run down her body as i kissed her. My mind running wild.

No matter how hard i tried, i couldn't shake the imagine of Liam from my mind.

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