Chapter 27. Supercakes

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Bullheaded,  cantankerous,  Meng's father used many words to describe his wife.  

The four boys were howling as they all sat and drank together in GuHai's and Yin's apartment.  These "guy nights" were common now as the months flew by.

Yinzi was bent in half and if GuHai hadn't caught him,  he might have rolled off the end of the sofa.  Mr Yang was saying that there was only one other time when his wife was so singleminded. That was when they first got married and she wanted to get pregnant.  He described how he hid in the bathroom before bed,  hoping she'd fall asleep.  He'd been sexed to the point of sore and, still she wouldn't relent.  

Meng laughed but, he was also in shock.  Never had his dad talked so openly and plainly about his relationship with his mother.  He saw his dad in a different light.  He was a man like any other. That was something Meng had never considered.  It also had a secondary effect,  he saw his mother now this way too.  Yes, it was awful that he didn't have a relationship with her,  but,  like his father said,  some mountains are harder to climb than others.  "Your mother is the Everest of mothers'."


YouQi turned to GuHai for many things.  He did as he promised and stayed in therapy.  His doctor asked him if he knew people with sound relationships and that he should be more open with them.  Find out how they make it work.

The doctor told him this because YouQi voiced his fear that Meng might someday leave him again.  He was told that was only natural and that time and trust go hand in hand.

"GuHai,  how do you keep Yin so in love with you?"

It was a weekend and they were on their way to help YouQi's dad move a broken down car from the alley at the back of their house.  Mr You wanted the space to extend his garden.  A hobby he had and loved.

YouQi's question made GuHai smile.  He looked over at Qi who was anxiously waiting for an answer.  

"You think BaiLouYin is  "so in love"  with me YouQi?"

"C'mon GuHai,  you know that.  Yin's been crazy for you since high school."

GuHai's face was bright hearing Qi say it.  "All I can say is that I tell Yinzi every day."

"That's it?"

GuHai reached and slapped his knee.  "Well no YouQi,  the words mean nothing if you don't show it.  That's what I mean,  I show BaiLouYin every day."

"Well, how do you do that?"

"Ah,  I always keep my promises,  I hold him close every night,  I make his tea in the morning and his dinner too."

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now