Chapter 21, Giving Mother Pointers

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The graduation day was like it should be for all successful students,  surrounded by people who love them and,  those people filled with pride.  YouQi's and Meng's parents were thrilled for their son's and they sat proudly and watched as they received their diplomas.

GuHai sat next to Mr and Mrs Bai,  his eyes never left the back of his Yin's head as he sat in the front rows waiting to be called.  

Yin's father eyed GuHai,  he was holding Mai on his lap and he was sure his face hurt from smiling.  Mai was being perfectly well behaved,  he seemed to sense that this was important to his big brother's GuHai and Yin.

When the graduate's hats flew in the air,  GuHai was bouncing Mai on his arm,  the boy was getting bigger and bigger,  Mrs Bai couldn't believe he had the strength to not only bounce him but to clap at the same time.

When GuHai looked to Pa,  they were both holding back tears,  They almost crushed Mai in the hug they shared.  Mr Bai was patting GuHai's back in their excitement.

The family of celebrants went out to a nice dinner,  GuHai took everyone to a new place he discovered.  He certainly had great taste in food.  They gorged themselves on more than anyone with good sense should eat.

Afterwards, among the many hugs and kisses, they said goodbye to their parents.  Yin hugged his dad and mom,  they were staying in a motel because it was such a long day for Mai,  they would go back home in the morning.

The second they closed their apartment door behind them,  GuHai kissed his Yin,  he held him and lifted him off his feet while he spun around and told him how proud he was.

Yin held tight as GuHai carried him to the bedroom,  his feet never touched the floor.


It was ten o'clock at night but still early enough for hard lessons to be learned. 

YouQi and Meng,  like the other couple, were celebrating,  that celebration included,  sex on the sofa and the joy of being completely free in it

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YouQi and Meng,  like the other couple, were celebrating,  that celebration included,  sex on the sofa and the joy of being completely free in it.  Naked and in the throws,  they didn't notice when the key went in the door,  they didn't  even notice when it had been shoved open.  No,  Meng was on all fours,  his face looking toward the patio door on the far side of the room.  YouQi was exactly where you'd expect and doing what comes naturally.  He was holding Meng around the chest,  bent down and driving hard into his boyfriend.

It was the scream,  yes,  the loud howl that came from YouQi's mother as she witnessed her son impaling his friend.

The last time she saw YouQi naked,  he was a little boy.  Not long after,  like most boys, he would refuse to let her in the bathroom when he bathed.  Now,  this naked form,  doing something she'd never conceived of,   was that of a man and when he turned his head to see who owned the wail,  he slipped out of Meng and it pointed right at her as he turned.

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now