Chapter 16, Movie Night

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The couples were able to spend the second night in the house as well.  After their long afternoon of touring the place and eating more good food than they could stand,  they all retired to a glass covered sunroom.  

Big comfortable chairs and the smell of earth and green surrounded them.  GuHai had a very particular kind of smile on his face.  Yin knew it well enough to know that he had something he wanted to say.

Raising an eyebrow,  he tilted his head in question.  GuHai stood and took the two steps between the facing chairs.  Holding something behind him he peered down at Yin,  his eyes were taking on a thoughtful look.  GuHai knelt down in front of him and pulled the hidden hand from behind himself.  

YouQi and Meng looked at each other,  wide-eyed they both opened their mouths and covered them with their hands, like Macaulay Culkin in the movie... "Home Alone."

Yin's eyes were wide too but he never uttered a sound as he looked at the somewhat ratty little box tied with an old string.  One of GuHai's arms was resting on Yin's knee,  he handed the box over.  

Spinning it in his hands,  Yin examined it.  He was curious as to what would come in such an abused old box. 

"Yin,  this is my permission from your father to love you.  It's my promise that I'll always be yours."

Yin untied the frayed string and lifted the lid.  Inside,  resting on a small shred of torn material that once was Yin's favourite pyjamas,  lay a simple golden band..  These were the pyjamas he wore right about the time his mother left his father.   There were no diamonds,  nothing fancy,  just his father's wedding band.

The moment Yin's eyes filled with water,  there were tears running down every cheek in the room.  YouQi wrapped his arms around Meng,  whispering in his ear...  "I'm so jealous,  I want that for us,  for you."  He squeezed Meng tightly when the tears started to fall.  

They both watched as GuHai seized Yin.  BaiLouYin's tears were making GuHai's natural instinct to protect and comfort,  kick in.  Yin thanked him over and over.

GuHai stayed there until his knees began to ache.  Taking Yin by the shoulders he moved him back in the seat.  "There are no more surprises."

"We're getting way too serious here."  GuHai stood, Yin in hand,  tonight we're going to the movies.  Follow me." 

 Leading the small group,  they stayed behind as GuHai took them to the theatre hidden in the depths of the house.  

Both YouQi and Meng gawked and giggled at the sheer ridiculousness of it.  "Who has a theatre inside their house?"

Each of the pairs had their own plush sofa,  perfect for cuddling when the lights went out.  

One of the mystery men that seemed to be everywhere, appeared with two large bowls of popcorn.  The buttery and salty smell instantly filled the room.  He would return shortly thereafter with the non-alcoholic drinks they'd specifically requested when he asked minutes before.  Meng wasn't in any hurry to be drinking again for a while.  GuHai and Yin had their own reasons for not wanting to drink.

Settling in their respective seats the lights lowered until the room was black.  Meng grabbed YouQi's hand in the dark.  The screen lit up and the movie started.  

 Yin placed his spine on the thickly cushioned arm of the sofa, leaning back,  he pulled GuHai's neck down.  He nestled his head in  Yin's lap, with the bowl of popcorn on his belly.  He stared up at Yin,  only to find him looking down into his eyes.  He seemed to have no interest in the movie.  His hand was combing through GuHai's short hair.  He bent down,  giving GuHai and upside-down kiss.  As he moved to sit up straight again,  GuHai's hand reached up and took the back of his hairline. He pulled him in for a longer deeper kiss.

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now