Chapter, 18, Jun's Party Tricks

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YouQi was so excited he tried every piece of clothing he owned on Thursday night at home.  Meng watched as he tried all the combinations.  Nothing seemed to be right.  The fact that it was an all boys party,  and from the hinting look on Jun's face when he said it,  YouQi's guess was that most of them would be from the fashionable crowd.  Meng didn't seem that interested in how he looked but YouQi was, and, Meng too ended up modelling all his clothes.

"That's it,"  YouQi decided he was going to go buy something new and Meng was coming whether he liked it or not.   Nearly shoving him out the door,  "we have to hurry or all the shops will be closed."


 The other couple weren't stressing at all,  Yin had loads of clothes GuHai had bought him,  many he'd never worn.  It was always GuHai who cared about such things and he kept Yin very nicely dressed.  During his work days,  GuHai dressed fairly conservative but in his free time he'd always been daring and unafraid in his choices.  

Thursday night for them was different from Meng and YouQi's.  They spent a quiet night at home.  They shared a surprisingly delicious meal that GuHai had made and the remainder of the evening cuddling on the sofa until GuHai could take it no longer,  he threw Yin over his shoulder and carried him to the bedroom.  He never tired of Yinzi's body and his sexual needs never satiated.  The beauty of it was the BaiLouYin had developed a taste for GuHai's constant bedroom romps and was happy to oblige.

When the first light of the morning forced GuHai's eyes open he was as he always was,  holding Yin as close as possible.  Two naked men covered only by a sheet.  Even still he peeled back the sheet before waking Yin,  a long slow view of his white velvet skin was always a great way to start the day.  His method of waking Yin was to run his hands over the smooth round bulbs of flesh that made his firm rump.  The still sleepy Yin,  would do the same thing every time,  swat at GuHai's hand and grumble,  it was the kisses on his ear and neck the would fully bring him around.

Leaving the bed first,  GuHai made tea and breakfast.  When Yin left the bedroom,  Yawning and rubbing his eyes,  GuHai would pour the tea and pull out his chair.

While they sat,  GuHai told BaiLouYin that he should text the boys before they left for school.  "Tell them to bring their clothes and I'll pick all of you up after your classes.  We'll get dressed here and have a drink before we go."  

Yin would never say it,  but,  GuHai knew he wanted to go to this party too.  Other than the one big party he had at their own house,  he knew that Yinzi had never been to anything like this.  Remembering,  GuHai loved the way Yin had forgone all his normal reserve that night.  Not that he didn't love that too,  but when BaiLouYin let go,  everything about him was sensual.  His sleepy eyes,  his thick red lips and the way he moved,  masculine and somehow sultry.  

He did though,  think about Jun.  He was steadfast in the idea that he'd avoid him if possible and when he couldn't,  he'd be glued to Yin,  surely this would keep Jun from trying any funny business.


GuHai found the boys at their usual spot.  They were already walking towards him having seen the car coming.  Meng and YouQi looked excited and jumped in the back making their thanks to GuHai.  

They had a light dinner,  GuHai told them not to overeat if they intended to stay out till dawn dancing.

By ten o'clock,  the foursome were showered and dressed.  All of them looking really sharp and coincidently choosing to wear almost all black,  giving their small group a uniform look.  GuHai could barely keep his hands off of Yin.  The tight black jeans he'd chosen had been hanging in the closet for months and GuHai had never seen him wear them.  With his black,  thin knit sweater,  tight fitting and clinging to his well-defined chest,  GuHai considered taking him back to the bedroom and stripping him before they left the apartment.  Resisting,  he ushered the band out the door and to a waiting car.  

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now