Chapter 1, Don't Touch Him

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YouQi shook and woke BaiLouYin:   "Yin...  Yin...  wake up!  ShiHui is here."  

After raising his head, Yin sees ShiHui sitting at the desk directly opposite him.  Her face is blank as she ignores all the paralyzed boys in the room.  Her eyes seared into the top of Bai LouYin's resting head.

GuHai, at his desk right behind,  heard her name come from YouQi's mouth.  He recognized it as Yin's ex-girlfriend.  

GuHai sat back and was already furious.  He waited to see what his Yin would say.   

"What are you doing here ?" Yin asked.

GuHai listened as she whined and complained to Yin about him leaving her, and her being alone.   He gritted his teeth so hard that the clenched muscles of his jaw changed the shape of his face.

He growled under his breath and to himself.  "I don't understand..."  

ShiHui droned on and on until GuHai couldn't take it anymore.  

GuHai slammed his fist down on the desk.  It could be heard in the school courtyard just outside the window.

Everyone in the classroom was now seized at attention. They all turned and look to see GuHai's red and angry glare.  

All of the boys know that face,  they've seen it before.  The last time GuHai was this mad he beat bloody one of their classmates.  They all fear his ire.  

ShiHui jumped but didn't seem to be phased by the raging man behind Yin.  She just kept staring at him,  doughy-eyed and oblivious to the seething and angry GuHai. 

Yin took the girl by the arm and pulled her from the classroom toward the hallway. 

GuHai stood too and started to follow.  

Yin stopped and pressed the palm of his hand flat against GuHai's chest;  it seemed to halt him for a moment.  

Pleading for him to remain still,   Yin said:  "I'll take care of this GuHai."   His eyes were locked.

It's more than clear to everyone in the room that GuHai is not happy with this, but because it's Yin asking, his shoulders softened and they could see him let out the breath he was holding.  GuHai nodded and let Yin escort her out.  


With Yin gone and in the sphere of that girl,  GuHai started to get agitated again.  

He paced first then took his seat and glared at the door to the hallway.  

They could all hear the garbled voices coming from outside.  The fact that GuHai couldn't discern what was being said seemed to further his rage.  

YouQi attempted to calm him.  His hand reached out and was just an inch from GuHai's shoulder when he said:  "That's BaiLouYin's old girlfriend, he knows how to deal with her."

GuHai turned his head and looked at the fingers so close to him.  YouQi pulled them back when he saw the pain in GuHai's eyes.  It shocked him because he'd never seen GuHai display any kind of weakness. 
YouQi kept his thoughts to himself. 
"When it comes to my friend,  Yin,  GuHai is..."

Of course, what YouQi didn't know is that GuHai and Yin just had sex for the first time the night before.  For GuHai it was more than sex,  they made love.
Months of waiting and countless attempts to seduce Yin,  so many tries at almost forcing him, had all boiled down to last night.  GuHai couldn't erase it from his mind.  He couldn't wipe the image of BaiLouYin under him, the warmth of his skin,  the smell of his breath.

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now