Chapter 17, A Party in Jun

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The deal was,  as long as Mai studied hard and was a good boy for Auntie and Uncle,  he would receive his gift from big brother GuHai every month.  As it turns out,  something arrived at the door for the boy almost weekly.  Although Mai didn't get to see his big brother as often as he liked,  the presents sure made it easier.  

Auntie had long given up on talking GuHai out of his extravagance,  Mai was sure to be spoiled regardless of any objections she might have.  GuHai had a habit of getting his way and that included charming her into just about anything.

With the boys away,  Uncle seemed to suffer the most.  Mai was at school every day and Yin,  Meng and YouQi off at University,  the visits were rare and no matter how long they could stay,  it was never enough.  

On the rare weekends when Yin would come home,  Uncle could hardly stand to leave his side.  He never knew he could miss someone so much.  It was the same for Yin,  he'd never been that far from home and his attachment to his father was far stronger than he believed.  Every moment was smiles and hugs.

BaiLouYin,  Meng and YouQi were able to remain close,  the University was enormous but GuHai had arranged everything.  The couple by some inexplicable miracle were able to share a room.  

Yin knew from the day they arrived that it was GuHai's doing,  no question that somewhere behind the curtain he was pulling the strings.  Yin was willing to live in the dorm but that wasn't acceptable for GuHai,  he simply rented an apartment close to the campus and moved in.  Yin could come and go to school, GuHai would travel to work each day,  his office only forty minutes from the apartment.  He would see his Yin every day and hold him every night,  no other alternative was considered.   

The studies, however,  were something they had to accomplish on their own.  YouQi had chosen corporate law and Meng import and export law,  both incredibly useful to their benefactor.  BaiLouYin was the exception,  his decisions were based on the total freedom  GuHai had given him.  He could choose what he pleased and what interested him.  He did.

Arts and Ancient Languages,  English and Economics,  an eclectic list of courses,  all challenging but rewarding.  By the end of his second year,  most people would say Yin was a professional student.  He'd always been smart and now with the freedom to learn what he wanted to learn he had essentially become a bookworm.  YouQi and Meng were provided hours and hours of entertainment,  teasing Yin to pull his nose from the book.  They did however, rely on Yin for help,  although he'd never attended a single law lecture,  he read all their textbooks and often found himself tutoring them.  By the end of their four years,  Yin might not get the certificate provided to a young lawyer but he would know everything they knew.


In the beginning, Yin chastized GuHai for buying the big house,  the same way he did when GuHai had purchased the car for him. GuHai told him that he didn't buy it,  it was a gift from his grandfather.   He had started building it some years back but when his health started to fade and when GuHai's father passed, he decided to finish construction and pass it to his grandson.  His original idea was to have it so that he could be closer to GuHai and his father, and, his brother, Gu.  

As beautiful as it was Yin found himself at odds with such a lavish home.  He just couldn't see the sense in owning something so large.  GuHai was able to explain it away saying that it was an investment.  

It took a long time for BaiLouYin to become accustomed to the money side of their new lives. Being able to have and do what you wanted was never something he'd enjoyed before.  The huge country house sat empty most of the time.  GuHai kept a small staff there who cared for the place and they would visit it on vacations and any free time they had.  Often taking YouQi and Meng with them.  

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now