Chapter 4, Small Miracles

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His work was full time yet he had more time than ever, partially because of the stress-free life the job had provided.  Having a partner at home and also having enough money to pay the bills with some left over for simple luxuries, was something he'd not experienced before. Marrying BaiLouYin's mother very young and shortly thereafter, having a child to feed, a demanding wife, who refused to live within a reasonable budget had all proved very taxing. He often jokingly blamed the early onset of grey hair on all his worries.

Uncle still found himself each morning watching the clock to ensure Yin was awake and ready for school, only to remember that Yin was no longer there. This felt like a hole in his heart. He had taken care of Yin every day of his life and his presence was missed more deeply than he could ever have imagined. They had spent so much time together alone. They could read each other's minds. When Yin gave him the little push he needed to marry Auntie he faced facts. His little boy, little Yin, was a man now. 

 He had also come to feel the same for GuHai. Over time, he had learned that it was GuHai who had made all his happiness possible. GuHai who saw that his wife no longer worked outdoors in all kinds of weather. She no longer had to deal with the neighbourhood thugs turning her business upside down. It was GuHai that arranged the new position at the company he now worked for. In the end, it was GuHai who now cared for and protected his most precious possession, his Yin.

He had had a little time to think over what he had witnessed and heard at the hospital that day. Uncle saw Yin's face when he woke during the scuffle. Yin didn't have to say the words: "I'm sorry dad." He knew his son wanted to apologise for his relationship with GuHai. Like all good sons, their job was to carry on the father's name, to provide a grandson. To make Mr Bai a grandfather.

The more he thought about it the more sure he became if he were completely honest with himself. This was too much to ask. How could he place such expectations on his son? How could he ask Yin to give up what made him happy, for the sake of his own happiness? After all, he had never been able to provide Yin with the life he felt he deserved. Both Yin and GuHai were a product of failed marriages. It was no fault of their own. "Were they responsible for their parent's inability to make their marriages work ?"

For him "this" marriage would be different,  for a lot of reasons one being,   Aunties restaurant was doing very well.  Having an indoor kitchen and five times as many seats proved to be profitable and a great deal more work than she could do by herself.  UncleBai helped whenever he could.  Yin and GuHai were there whenever they had free time.  It wasn't enough.  Auntie decided she would call a family meeting and discuss bringing some outside help.  

She'd cook a nice dinner and they'd gather in a couple of days,  Friday night,  as discussed after Uncle finished work and the boys were done at school.  

The house was tidy and warm.  It smelled of grilled fish and beef,  lemongrass and sweet onions.  There were more than one vegetable dish and walnut cakes for the adult dessert.  The table was set and she dressed.  She had fixed her hair and was happy with all her efforts.  

UncleBai did the same and he told Mrs.Bai how nice she looked.  Yin's father was always attentive and he worked hard at being a good husband and new father.  His newly adopted son was a great reminder of his earlier life with Yin.  The little boy was full of energy and had a bright questioning mind.  Mr Bai felt he was very much like Yin when he was small.   

Right on time, GuHai came through the door.  As always he was carrying a large bag of things for his new little brother.  This time it was some cool new kicks he thought Mai would like and a sweet ball cap with the same colour scheme.  There was also a new learning game that worked with a plastic mini computer that GuHai had purchased for him weeks ago.  GuHai had eagerly told Auntie that... "He could learn his numbers and words faster with this."  

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now