Chapter 10, The Trouble with Jun

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Mai had an extra long nap.  His caretaker could see that he was tired and let him sleep longer than the other children she was caring for.  

When Auntie picked him up he excitedly told her all about his day with big brother.  

There was the market and peeling carrots and lunch and popcorn and the swing and cooking dinner and...and...and...

Auntie couldn't help but smile as he held her hand and of course,  he spilt the secret about staying up late.   He wants to do it again and big brother said he was a good cook like momma,  and GuHai said he could order whatever he wanted, and and and...  

When they got home papa was already waiting.  Uncle had made a pot of tea and Mai told the whole story over again.  Sitting on Uncles lap he listened carefully,  occasionally interjecting, "Really ?,"  "Oh and Wow."  Uncle agreed he could do it again sometime, thrilled,  he scurried off to his room to change his clothes and play his game.  Auntie and Uncle both laughed and agreed GuHai was an amazing person,  he seemed to be a natural with children,  "So good with Mai."

While they sat quietly and enjoyed their tea,  Auntie made a proposal to Uncle.  

"Would the boys like to have a party at the restaurant to celebrate their Graduation ?"  

They could invite their entire class and friends if they chose.  Auntie and Uncle would completely foot the bill.  They would have to stick to their guns on this,  GuHai was in no way allowed to pitch in any money.  It would be one small way they could pay him back for his kindness to both of them and Mai.

All this providing of course that GuHai was consenting.  His father's passing with still very recent, and if he didn't want this celebration, they would in no way force the idea.  Still seven days away,  they would have time to prepare and the boys would have time to invite whomever they chose.  

Uncle would text GuHai and have them stop by after school the following day.

Returning to school GuHai found it wasn't as bad as he had anticipated.  All the boys were sincerely sorry to hear of GuHais loss.  Every boy in the class excepting Yin still had both parents in their lives.  It didn't take a great imagination to think of what losing one of them would be like.  They were all very respectful and treated GuHai tenderly and carefully.

Even Jun kept his hands to himself and politely told GuHai how sorry he was for his loss.

Both Meng and YouQi gave their condolences.  GuHai even surrendered to a hug from both.  He was touched to see Meng's eyes were watery and holding back tears as he talked quietly with GuHai before leaving at the end of the day.

Having received Uncles text they stopped at Auntie and Uncles.  Auntie had even prepared dinner for them and insisted they stay.  GuHai was touched at their generosity and offer of hosting the party.  Yin said nothing,  letting GuHai decide.  He of course,  checked first with Yin,  with no objections,  they agreed that it would be nice.  They would invite the class the next day.

At the flat later,  GuHai and Yin had little to do.  Having already eaten dinner,  there was only showers and clothes for the next day to deal with.  They spent the entire evening like young lovers do,  together every minute,  close and intimate.  They held hands as they watched television.  Going to bed early they spent two hours in heated passion.  Talking about everything under the sun in between bouts of lovemaking.  Exhausted,  the perfect evening ended with Yin massaging GuHai's back and shoulders until his eyes closed and he drifted into a peaceful sleep.  Yin lied as he always did his head resting on GuHai's chest,  his slow steady breathing and the rhythm of his heart,  like a lullaby for Yin until he too drifted off.

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now