Chapter 1

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* Hey guys! So umm this is my first fanfic and idk I'm new to this so don't judge me... Okay? XD well hope you enjoy this first chapter... Yeah. Bye! *

(In this fanfic Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael are all going to be the same age okay?)

~S x


*i think that possibly

maybe im falling for you*

{Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg}

~Unknown POV~

"Calum come on, hurry up!" I yelled from downstairs.

"Shut up, Hemmings!" He hollered back. He better get his sorry ass down here unless he wants to be late for the first day of school.

Oh! Where are my manners? Well I should probably introduce myself. I'm Luke, Luke Hemmings. I'm 16, a junior in high school along with my best lads Calum, and Michael. I also play guitar and love to sing! Umm... I guess that's a good start right?

Calum finally came downstairs with his bag and we rushed out the door into the car right when I get a text from Michael.

Mikeyy: Aye, where are you guys? You have 7 minutes now until first period starts!

Me: Yeah I know idiot.

Mikeyy: Well geez ): sorry.

Me: Sorry Mike, Cal took forever this morning and I'm not really in the mood to be late.

Mikeyy: It's fine bro, see ya later x

Me: Byee x

Cal pulls into the school parking lot and we run to our first period class, which surprisingly we all have the same one, with 2 minutes to spare.

"Nice going guys." Michael laughs as we slump in out seats, tired from running.

"We would have been here earlier if SOMEONE didn't-" I started but got cut off by the bell and the teacher walking in.

"Attention class calm down. I know it's the first day but you've been here for almost 3-4 years now. Anyways for new students I'm Mrs. Wiley and-" she got cut off by a boy rushing in with a late pass in his hand. His mop of wavy curls bounced off his head as he caught his breath.

Damn. He's hot. I mean- heck I'm not fooling anyone here he's hot.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you! I'm gay. Kinda small important detail I left out but that's okay! Right?

"I'm so sorry! I didn't have time this morning. I woke up late and there was no milk and our car-" he whispered pretty loudly.

"It's fine Mr. Irwin I'll let it slide but that was not a very good impression for your first day. Everyone please welcome the new student..." She stopped forgetting his name.

"Uh... A-Ashton..."

"Ashton Irwin." Mrs. Wiley smiled. "Now go take a seat next to Calum. Calum raise your hand." She said as he did so.

After he sat down I whispered to Calum.

"Cal, switch seats with me."

"Um, what?"

"Switch seats with me."


"Switch seats with me."

"Luke I-"

"Switch seats with me."

"Okay! Okay. Fine here, ya twat." He grumbled and got up, sitting in my seat which was in front of Michael. I just took that as a compliment because I know he loves me.

I was about to talk to the beautiful boy but I don't know what was holding me back. I kept getting the courage but I couldn't do it. Usually I'm so open, and preppy, and excited to meet new people but this time. This time was different. C'mon Hemmings you can do this. Just say hi.

"Uh h-"

But I course me having bad timing the bell interrupted me and he took off not even know I was trying to talk to him.

"Damnit." I cursed under my breath.

"Awh, Hemmings loves the new boy. Hemmings loves the new boy. Hemmings loves th-"

"Put a sock in it, you two. Will ya?" I rolled my eyes at Calum and Michael walking to my next class.

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