Chapter 23: Brelyn's Discovery

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Ben and Mal had decided to take Brelyn somewhere. All three were surprisingly able to fit onto Ben's scooter. Ben was the one driving. Brelyn held onto his waist tightly, as she was hanging on for dear life. Mal was behind her, hanging on to her to make sure she was secure.

Brelyn wasn't sure where they were taking her, but for whatever reason, it seemed familiar. She looked at the green scenery of the forest. She had never seen anything so beautiful like that. The orphanage she grew up in was part of a suburban area. Brelyn has always been interested in the beauty that is nature.

The scooter came to a stop, and Ben began taking off his helmet. "We're almost there," he said. "It's just a small hike into the woods." Brelyn nodded in response as she took off her helmet. Mal grabbed her hand as she assisted her as she got off the scooter. The three then strolled into the green forest. They soon approached a bridge. The bridge was very wobbly, which freaked Brelyn out a little. Ben reassured her that she was safe and nothing was going to happen. Once across, Ben and Mal grabbed Brelyn's hands. "Now, we're gonna need you to close your eyes."

Brelyn looked at both of them in confusion. "Don't worry," Mal responded. "I promise nothing bad will happen." Brelyn nodded as she closed her eyes. Mal and Ben guided Brelyn's steps as they walked further into the woods.

"Are we there yet?" Brelyn asked, finally speaking since they left.

"Almost," Mal replied.

They walked a little further before coming to a stop. Brelyn then felt Ben's hands on her shoulders as Mal hung onto her arms. "Now, open," Ben said. Brelyn opened her eyes. She was faced with a beautiful, clear lake that had a gazebo right on top. "Hope you like picnics," Ben said, holding a picnic basket.

"Where did you-"

"Don't ask," Mal said.

The three of them walked down to the gazebo where Ben began setting up the picnic. Brelyn looked at the place in awe. She thought the forest was beautiful; the lake was even more beautiful. Once Ben had the picnic set up, the three of them began enjoying their meal.

For the longest time, they all were quiet. Mal and Ben didn't necessarily know where to start. They kept on looking at each other for what to say. As for Brelyn, she was still looking around. Her eyes never could stay in one spot. "Are you okay?" asked Ben.

"Oh-um, yeah I'm fine. It's just..." Mal and Ben began listening intently. "I've seen this place in my dreams."

Ben and Mal looked at each other then back at Brelyn. "In your dreams?" asked Mal. Brelyn nodded. "You wanna explain. I mean. If it's not a problem that is."

"It's not a problem at all," Brelyn replied. "I started seeing this place in my dreams when I was around ten years old. In my dreams, where I was here, I would always be with my parents."

"You're parents?" Mal asked in shock. Brelyn nodded. "What did they look like?"

"I never really remembered what they looked like in my dreams," Brelyn explained. "I feel like they either always changed or I just don't remember parts of my dreams."

"What were they usually like in your dreams?" asked Ben.

"From what I can remember, they were usually the nicest and loving people. There's not much that I remember, but I do remember that they loved me, and I loved them. Sometimes I would be upset when I woke up because I just wanted to spend time with parents I never knew." Tears began forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said. She got up from the picnic and sat at the edge of the gazebo. She took off her shoes so she could place her foot in the water.

Mal and Ben got up and joined Brelyn at the edge of the gazebo. "Seems like you've always wanted to know what your parents were like," Ben said.

Brelyn nodded as she wiped tears from her eyes. "What orphan doesn't want to know what their parents were like?"

Ben looked up to Mal. They stared at each other as if they were speaking telepathically. Mal nodded slowly. Ben got up and headed towards the picnic basket. "I think we might be able to help with that," Mal said.

Brelyn looked at Mal in confusion. "How?"

"Maybe this will do," Ben said handing Brelyn something. It was a newspaper. "Read the main article."

Brelyn looked at the newspaper. She began to read it aloud. "Yesterday, King Ben of Auradon and Queen Mal of the Isle welcomed their baby girl to the world." Brelyn looked at the two royals in confusion before continuing. "The baby will be known as Princess...Brelyn of Auradon." Brelyn stopped reading. Ben and Mal looked at each other with fearful looks. They were not sure what exactly was going through their daughter's head. "It is said that the new princess has beautiful amethyst locks of hair," Brelyn read through her cries. "And striking hazel eyes. She is definitely the daughter of Mal." She read the top of the newspaper. The date was dated the day after her birthday of the year she was born. Brelyn looked up to Mal then at Ben. "Y-You guys are my parents, a-and I'm a princess?"

Ben took a deep breath. "Yeah. Surprise?"

Brelyn cried into her hands. Mal, almost on impulse, brought Brelyn into a hug. She wrapped her arms around her daughter tightly. Mal believed Brelyn would be mad and pull away quickly, but to her surprise, Brelyn embraced her mother as well. It wasn't long before Mal started sobbing as well.

Ben couldn't help it. He let tears stream down his own face. He grabbed both of his girls and squeezed them tightly. For the first time in her life, Brelyn felt the parental love she had longed for so long. Brelyn pulled herself out when she remembered something. "But," she began, "why? Why did you have to give me up? I promise I won't be mad. I understand it must have been for a very good reason." Ben handed her a second newspaper that was dated just about three months after she was born. "Sources have found a threat that has been made against Auradon and the VKs King Ben invited all those years ago. In order to protect their [Mal and Jay] daughters, they have decided to give them up for adoption. The two infants, Princess Brelyn-who is three months-and Jacey-who is two weeks old-have been placed in an orphanage far from Auradon."

"We just wanted to protect you," Ben said.

"What about Elaina and Cayla? They weren't born yet," Brelyn asked.

"They were given up once they were born. Carlos and Jane brought Cayla to the orphanage themselves the day after she was born. However, Elaina was taken from Evie and Doug just hours after her birth by a social worker," Mal explained.

"I'm going to assume it was very hard on Evie to have done that within hours," Brelyn said.

"She did," Mal replied. "It took her almost a year for her to move on from it. I mean, she and Doug wanted a baby for so long, and then they had their child taken from them once they got the chance."

Brelyn nodded as she thought about how happy Elaina would be when she found out Evie and Doug were her parents. "Wait a minute," Brelyn said. "Because you're the daughter of Maleficent, does that mean I inherited your magic as well?"

Mal nodded. "Fairy Godmother had told me that you just gained your magic. From what I've heard, you've been having a hard time controlling your powers."

"Well," Brelyn began, "I haven't had any magical surges that could potentially hurt anybody, but it does cause me a lot of stress."

"Does it scare you?"

"A little, I guess. Nothing like this has ever happened before, and I don't really know how to handle it."

Mal laid out her hands. "Place the back of your hands on my hands." Brelyn did just that. Suddenly, green and purple smoke began forming. Brelyn began to flinch, but Mal gave her a promising look that told her that everything would be fine. The two colors of smoke formed into a heart. Brelyn couldn't help but smile. "Magic is a beautiful thing," Mal explained. "As long as you trust and believe in yourself, everything will be fine in the end."

Brelyn smiled. "Thank you," she said. She suddenly pulled both Mal and Ben into a hug. They both were surprised but didn't reject it. "I never want to let go," she whispered.

"Neither do we," Ben told her.

The three of them sat at the edge of the gazebo with their feet in the water. Their past was completely behind them because they were together: they were a family.

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