Chapter 18: Evil Destruction

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The eight adults sprinted towards the museum. They knew immediately what was going on. They knew exactly who had breached security, and they knew exactly what artifact they were after.

"What part of the museum is Fairy Godmother's wand even placed?" asked Lonnie.

"This way," Evie said, guiding the group as she remembered when she and the other VKs tried to steal the wand.

The group ran up the stairs frantically. Deep down, they all knew they were too late, but they had to do what they could to protect Auradon and their daughters. They passed the Hall of Villains, in which Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay stopped for a moment.

"We don't really have time to reminisce about our past," Jane said snapping the four out of their trance.

"S-Sorry," they all replied.

"Almost there," Evie said.

They approached the room where Fairy Godmother's wand was being held. They were right; they were too late. Brelyn had the wand in her hand. The four girls turned around to face the adults.

"Brelyn," Mal said, "don't do this."

Brelyn didn't answer. She was stuck in a trance. Her eyes glowed green just as the gem glowed. The same went for the other three. "I must follow Master Maleficent," Brelyn replied in a monotone voice. 

Mal tried to lunge at Brelyn for the wand, but the other three girls blocked her.

"Elaina please!" Evie yelled.

Elaina, like Brelyn, did not respond at first. She had no control over her mind. Evie prayed that, deep down, Elaina was still there in that large brain of hers trying to fight her way out.

Brelyn raised the wand to the air. The eight of them backed up in fear of what she was going to do.

"By the power vested in me," Brelyn said as she began to recite a spell, "set Maleficent free."

A lightning bolt shot through the air. The eight adults ducked for cover. Luckily, nobody was hurt. Suddenly, a puff of green smoke came flying in. It landed on the ground to reveal Maleficent. "I'm back!" she said.

"What do you want mother?" Mal asked with an angry tone.

"Just to use your daughters for my own personal benefit," Maleficent replied.

"Y-You know they're our daughters?" Mal asked as her tone became a little softer. "But how?"

"I've been tracking you since you left me on the Isle all those years ago," Maleficent replied. "You thought the threat was made against you four? Oh, that's funny," Maleficent laughed. The adults looked at each other in confusion. "I heard the news when Brelyn was born. The same goes for Jacey. You four may have failed me, but I was determined to get my hands on your little kiddies. Then I hear you give the children up for adoption. That made everything so much easier. Soon, they will be mine in my evil plan to finally take over Auradon and become Mistress of the Universe."

"You will be doing nothing of the sort!" Ben yelled.

"Of course," Maleficent began, "your girls did inherit your 'goodness' features. They're kind and loving to one another. That's just plain gross. I mean, Elaina used to watch over this group of six and seven-year-olds. Who does that?"

At this point, the adults were getting annoyed and didn't want to hear any more of it. Jay went straight to Maleficent's staff just as he did when Maleficent attacked Ben's coronation.

"Jay!" Lonnie yelled as she worried for her husband.

Maleficent's eyes turned green and magically pushed Jay back. Jay fell back to the ground, and Lonnie rushed to his side.

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