Chapter 2: We're on Our Way

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The girls began packing for their new home in Auradon. They couldn't stop smiling all day. Some of the other kids at the orphanage were a little annoyed by this, but that didn't bother them one bit. They would be leaving tomorrow. They were glad to finally be leaving the orphanage they've lived in for their entire lives.

"I still can't believe we're going to Auradon!" Cayla said excitedly. "It really is a dream come true."

"I know!" replied Elaina. "I still can't believe it! I can't wait to see our dorms and see what our classes are like."

"Elaina," Jacey said, "you're the only person I know who would be excited about classes."

"I just want to see what Auradon has in store for us," Brelyn said. "We can get so many more opportunities than we have ever had in our entire lives. This can be life-changing for us. You know, in a good way."

The girls continued to talk about what their new lives in Auradon were going to be like. They all knew one thing: their lives would never be the same after they leave the orphanage. For the thirteen or fourteen years the girls have lived in the orphanage, they never thought something like this would ever happen to them.

"I see you girls are almost ready for tomorrow," Ms. Jones said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to knock."

"No, no, you're fine," Brelyn said.

"Yeah, no harm was done," Cayla added.

"Are you girls excited?"

"Can't you tell?" Jacey said. "It has been our dreams to go to Auradon Prep!"

"I'm just so proud of you girls. You've been through so much. I think you girls will find just what you're looking for at Auradon Prep."

"Hey, Ms. Jones," Elaina said. "I think I can speak for all four of us when I say that we just wanna thank you for everything you've done for us. You've been the closest thing we've had to an actual mother. When we were feeling lonely or abandoned, you were always there for us when we needed it, so thank you."

"Aw, come here," Ms. Jones said, embracing the girls. "I'm going to miss you girls, but I know Auradon will treat you four well."

"We're gonna miss you too," Brelyn replied.

"Thanks, girls," Mr. Jones responded. "Dinner's almost ready. Might wanna start heading down."

"Okay. Thank you," said Cayla. Ms. Jones nodded as she left the girls' room. Cayla then came to a realization. "Guys, this is our last dinner here at the orphanage."

The other girls stopped what they were doing and started to think. "Wow," Jacey said. "Can't believe this day has finally come. I thought it would never come."

"Same," replied Brelyn.

The girls walked downstairs and sat at their usual table. Like every other meal at the orphanage, it was quite a bit chaotic in the cafeteria. That night they were eating meatloaf. It wasn't the best, given that the orphanage could only do so much. Suddenly, a little girl with blonde pigtails and wearing a yellow T-shirt with a pink tutu-like skirt tapped on Elaina's shoulder.

"Oh, hi Arianna," said Elaina.

"I heard you are going to Auradon Prep!" Arianna said excitedly. "Is it true?"

"It's true. My friends and I are all going together."

"Wow. That's so cool!" Arianna was a very happy girl and looked up to Elaina. She was like a little sister to Elaina (and sometimes the other three). "I made this for you." Arianna handed Elaina a drawing she made of the two of them. "That's us in Auradon," Arianna said, explaining her picture.

"This is amazing, Ari," Elaina replied.

"At least one of us gets to live our dreams."

Elaina looked up at Arianna with a sad expression. She stood up and hugged the little girl. "I wish I could take you with me," she said. Elaina looked down at Arianna. "I promise you'll get adopted one day and hopefully get to go to Auradon."

"I know I will," Arianna said.

"Your friends are waiting for you," Elaina said, motioning to a table with other girls Arianna's age.

"Bye," Arianna said, waving happily at all four girls.

"Bye, Ari," Brelyn, Jacey, and Cayla said as Arianna walked away.

"Bye," Elaina said with a sigh.

Brelyn put her hand on Elaina's, which got her attention. "She'll be okay. They all will."

Elaina looked back at the table full of little, hopeful girls. "I know," she replied, "but they all deserve so much more."

The events that followed dinner happened so quickly. Pretty soon, the girls were pretty much fully packed and laid in their beds. The girls usually weren't ones to take a long time to fall asleep. Well, Elaina maybe, but it never lasted that long. Tonight was different. Tonight was the last night of living the life they did for their entire lives.

"You guys realize that tomorrow our lives are going to change forever, right?" Brelyn said.

"Yeah," the other three replied.

"Our lives will never be the same," Cayla added. "We're going to be Auradon girls."

Though the girls have been overly excited since they first got the invitation to Auradon Prep, the days leading up to their departure were a little bittersweet. They were still over the top that they were going to Auradon, but they were a little sad that they were leaving the lives they had. It was true; they couldn't wait to get out of that mini Isle of the Lost called an orphanage, but they couldn't help but think about what was going to happen after. Would they even fit in with the other Auradon kids?

"Maybe we should get some sleep," Elaina said. "We have a really big day tomorrow."

"Yeah," Jacey replied. "Good night girls."

"Good night," the others said as they all pulled the covers over themselves.

Brelyn tossed and turned throughout the night. She couldn't help but think that something much bigger than what the girls were expecting was going to happen. All she knew was that her life was going to get better. She promised herself not to believe otherwise.

"We're on our way," Brelyn whispered silently before drifting off to sleep.

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