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Auradon was a land of opportunity and happiness. It was established by King Beast and Queen Belle. All the heroes of the land lived together in peace. The villains were booted off to the Isle of the Lost, which some of its inhabitants saw it as a prison.

A high school was established in an old castle known as Auradon Prep. It was a boarding school to train the next generation of heroes. The sons and daughters of all the well-known heroes attended this school.

The children on the Isle, the descendants of the villains, lived on the prison-like island along with their parents. Some found it enjoyable and didn't care about anything else while others absolutely despised it. Little did they know, something would happen that would soon change the fate of the entire kingdom, including the Isle of the Lost.

Not long ago, King Ben, at the time prince and the son of Belle and Beast, had sent out his first official proclamation. He wanted the children on the Isle of the Lost to come live in Auradon and attend Auradon Prep. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the children on the Isle; he felt they were abandoned. Both Beast and Belle were very surprised. He said that they would just start with a few: four to be exact. He chose the descendants of Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Maleficent.

Mal, daughter of Maleficent, was the leader of the four. She was a feisty, purple-haired girl who didn't let anyone get in her way. She practically ruled over the Isle with her mom being known as 'the worst villain in the land'. Like her mother, she possessed some magic.

Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen, was the girly-girl of the group. The blue-haired beauty was a heartbreaker for sure, having been raised to be the perfect princess and have a goal of someday marrying into royalty. She was all into fashion and make-up.

Jay, son of Jafar, enjoyed running wild on the Isle and stealing whatever he could find for his father's shop. He was definitely a prince of thieves. Despite his mean demeanor, he would do anything to make sure his friends were protected.  

Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil, like Evie, wasn't really seen as evil. He was really smart and really good with technology. The younger boy was often found fiddling around with some sort of piece of machinery.

When the four of them arrived, they met many other Auradon students such as Audrey, daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip, Jane, daughter of Fairy Godmother, Chad, son of Cinderella and Prince Charming, Doug, son of Dopey, and Lonnie, daughter of Mulan and Shang.

Many of the Auradon Prep students were very wary of the new VKs (villian kids). Many of them were not kind to them at all. After Ben's coronation, the VKs proved to be signs of good. They now lived in Auradon peacefully like the rest of the heroes.

Life went on as it always does. Mal and Ben got married shortly after graduation. Evie and Doug's wedding followed. Jane and Carlos waited until after college to get married. Though it took a few years, Jay and Lonnie got married after confessing their love to each other.

A couple of years later, Mal and Ben had a daughter. They named her Brelyn. Lonnie and Jay also had a daughter, in which they named her Jacey. Life couldn't be perfect for the two couples. Jane and Carlos were gonna wait another year or two while Evie and Doug were trying for a baby.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. A threat was made against Auradon. Many could tell it came from the Isle of the Lost. Many could also tell it was targeted towards the VKs. The VKs feared their children's lives were in danger. In order to protect them, Mal, Ben, Jay, and Lonnie had to give up their daughters.

Evie and Doug finally got what they wanted: a child. Unfortunately, they had to give up their daughter, in which they named Elaina, just hours after her birth. Saying Evie was devastated would be an understatement. She cried herself to sleep for many nights after Elaina was born. Of the four VKs, Evie wanted a child the most.

Jane and Carlos also had a daughter just a couple months after Evie and Doug. They named her Cayla. Just like the others, they had to give up their daughter.

None of the VKs and their spouses wanted to do this. They didn't want their daughters growing up not knowing who their parents are or feeling abandoned, but they knew they had to do it for their children's protection. They didn't want to be the reason their children got hurt or worse.

Life wasn't entirely horrible for the girls. The orphanage they stayed at knew their situation, so they kept the girls close to each other. Brelyn, Elaina, Jacey, and Cayla were practically inseparable. Brelyn and Elaina were just as close as their mothers; the same went for Jacey and Cayla with their fathers.

All four did begin to wonder about their parents as they got older. They wanted to find that part of them that was missing from their lives for so many years. 

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