Chapter 5: Suspicions

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Brelyn and Elaina both had changed into their pajamas. They were about to spend their first night at Auradon Prep. Brelyn's pajamas consisted of a purple tank top with black pants. Elaina's pajamas were a blue T-shirt with black shorts.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Elaina called out. Jacey and Cayla entered the room.

Jacey was wearing a maroon long sleeve shirt with pink pants, and Cayla wore a red long sleeve shirt with white and black polka shorts.

"So today's been interesting," Jacey said.

"It sure has," replied Brelyn. "But in a good way."

The room fell silent. The girls didn't know what else to say. The day kind of just...happened. It wasn't as eventful as they thought it would be, but it was still very exciting for them.

"Do you guys find it weird that Queen Mal was oddly quiet during the tour King Ben gave us?" asked Jacey.

"Yeah, it was a little weird," replied Brelyn. "It's like she couldn't tell how much eye contact to make with us. She either made way too much contact or avoided making eye contact. I wonder why she was like that?"

"Anybody else think that something was off with that headmistress in training Jane?" asked Elaina.

"She seemed to be a little nervous and a bit jumpy," Cayla mentioned. "You'd think for someone who's used to talking to new students would be a little more confident with something like this. What did you guys think of the guidance counselor?"

"You mean Evie?" Elaina asked. "I think she's pretty cool. I mean, how many people do you know that has two completely different jobs?"

"You have to admit though," Brelyn said, "she was acting a little off as well."

"I guess it wasn't what I was expecting from a guidance counselor."

"What is it with people today?" Brelyn asked.

"That's a little suspicious," Elaina said.

The room fell silent once more. The girls' eyes darted across the room at each other. Though there was no physical talking going on, it was almost like the girls were speaking to each other telepathically.

"Maybe it's just us," Jacey mentioned. The other three were confused by this comment. "What I mean is, maybe we're just paranoid. We're probably just nervous about all of this. Changing schools and basically having your entire life be changed can be a little overwhelming. Maybe we will be better after a good night's sleep."

The girls nodded in agreement. "Yeah," Brelyn started, "you're probably right. We should start going to bed; it's getting late."

Jacey and Cayla waved good-bye as they returned back to their dorm room. After the door was shut, Brelyn shut off the lights, and she and Elaina hopped into their beds. Brelyn laid down with her hands behind her head. Elaina had the covers pulled over her entire body except for her head.

Elaina fell asleep very fast, which was very unlike her. Must have been because the beds were way more comfortable than what they were used to. Brelyn looked at her sleeping friend and was glad Elaina was able to go to sleep quickly. She remembered staying up late with Elaina on nights that she was unable to sleep.

This time it was different; Brelyn was the one who couldn't sleep. She couldn't stop imagining what her new life in Auradon was going to be like. This journey she and her friends were on was basically a mission of self-discovery. Each girl wanted to find something about themselves. Hopefully, none of them would be disappointed. 

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