Chapter 10: Four Gemstones

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School has now been going on for three weeks. The girls have been adjusting well to their new lives. They still have some things to get used to, but so far, everything's been okay. They have made good friends in Aria, Allen, and Mallory within those few weeks. Harmony can still be a bother, but at least the girls have their new friends to stand up for them.

The only thing was that the girls have been feeling weird in the last couple of days. They've just been having this feeling that they're being watched. None of them could really explain it. For the most part, they just tried to ignore it. What they didn't know is that their accusations about being watched were correct.

It was near midnight, and all the students were sound asleep in their dorms. A figure sneaked around the courtyard. They were wearing all black and seemed to be rushing out of Auradon. "They have been set," the figure said into some sort of communication device.

"Good," a voice said from the other end of the communication device. "Now, all we have to do is wait."

"Yeah-wait what? What do you mean wait?"

"You think those girls are going to find them right now? Godmother's kind of got a thing about curfews. Nobody's gonna be out and about. They'll find them in the morning."

"Alright." The dark figure then ran as quickly as they could.

Early the next morning, Mal and Ben were walking through the halls. They were doing their daily duties to make sure the school day goes fine for all the students. "Hey Jane," Mal said as Jane approached them.

"Hey," she replied.

"Is everything ready for Family Day coming up?" Ben asked.

Jane looked on her tablet. "Everything seems to be going according to plan so far."

"Don't get your hopes up just yet," a voice said. It was Carlos. "I was looking at last night's footage from the security cameras, and there seemed to have been somebody sneaking around. From the looks of it, I highly doubt it was a student."

Ben, Mal, and Jane all exchanged worried looks. "I'll go see what's up," Ben said. "You think you can handle the other duties until I get back?"

"Um, I believe it's manageable," Mal said. Ben gave Mal a kiss before joining Carlos to see what was going on.

"So," Jane started, "how are you holding up?"

"Um," Mal started, knowing what Jane was talking about, "I think I've been pretty well. I've mostly just been quiet I guess. I haven't really got a moment to actually get to know Brelyn."

"I know what you mean," Jane said. "Carlos and I have barely even seen Cayla. I heard that Evie, Doug, and Lonnie have had some sort of interaction with their daughters."

"Do you know how those went?" Mal asked.

"From what Audrey told me, Evie was practically crying the moment the girls stepped out of her office. It wasn't a full breakdown, so we don't have to worry about her just yet. Jay also mentioned that Lonnie barely made it the entire period without breaking down. She had to let her class go five minutes early so she could recollect herself before the next class came in."

Mal chuckled. "Seems like this is going to be a little harder than we all anticipated for." Jane nodded in agreement. "But hey, at least they're here, and they're safe."

Back in the dorm rooms, Brelyn was packing her backpack while Elaina was in the bathroom. She pushed her purple locks out of her face as she began looking for something. "Where did I put my phone?" she asked herself. She looked on her desk; it wasn't there. It wasn't on her nightstand either. She tossed the blanket on her bed around trying to see if maybe it got lost somewhere on her bed. She was very notorious for doing that.

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