It's a pleasure, sir

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Louis knew it was his time. Once anyone turned 13, they were watched. And when they were 16 it could be any time. Anytime they could be taken. It was just weeks after his 16th birthday and there he was, sitting in the back of the van, surrounded by boys and girls his own age. They're special people, or what they're really called is Hunters. They take boys and girls and bring them to a facility. There are random ones all over the country. Where you go is a mystery to you. Having a government that was trying to breed the perfect race was scary. There was one of four things that could happen to you. You could either be sold into prostitution, be married off to be a trophy wife and stand by your husband's side, breed, or a mixture of any of them. They had watched Louis for three years, to figure out where he would fall in the categories. They had decided he was perfect to bear children, but was attractive enough to be by a man's side. These men were very powerful and carried many different roles. Some were businessmen, in the British mafia, or ran their own prostitution ring. After arriving at the facility, Louis and the others were taken to different rooms. He was examined one last time before put in a silk nightgown.

He was lead to another room. Wherever he was, this building was huge and very beautiful. Louis soon realized that all people standing next to him were all childbearing men. They all stood in a line, perfectly still and patient. A line of older men they were going to be paired off with stood in front of them. Another group of men, who must have been the Hunters walked in. They began to list off names, pairing each man with another. After a few boys were called, Louis was finally called. "Louis William Tomlinson.. paired with Harry Edward Styles. You two will be wed and breed. Harry is the head of the British mafia and sometimes runs the most famous prostitution rig. You will do as he says, no exceptions." The man said and Louis was shaking in his boots. Louis slowly stepped forward and was joined with Harry. He was very tall, and it was obvious he was very powerful. But Louis knew that Harry was thrown into this a long time ago and forced to choose one of the professions. Louis looked up at Harry and bowed slightly. "It's a pleasure to be your wife, sir." He said and swallowed hard.

Harry eyed the small boy but kept his body forward, spine straight and hands clasped in front of his body. "Flattery will get you nowhere, and it's best if you remember that," he growled quietly, his right eyebrow inclining as he glared down at his soon to be wife.

Louis swallowed hard and looked down at the floor. "I-I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean for it to be flattery. I meant it. But whatever you say, sir." Louis said nervously. Harry speaking to him that way made him nervous.

Harry rolled his eyes and began to walk, pushing his way through the crowd of soon-to-be newly weds. "I've dealt with people like you," Harry began, pausing long enough to gesture for Louis to follow him. "You throw compliments around carelessly because you hope it will soften people up. But I will warn you right now, Tomlinson, I will not have any more of it. Unless you have a question, I would rather not have you speak,"

Louis frowned. "I'm sorry sir." Louis said and looked up at him, following him quickly. His short legs had a hard time keeping up. "Actually, sir. I do have a question. Are there any rules for me? Things I have to follow?" He asked softly.

Harry frowned deeply and slowed down his pace just a tad. "Such matters will be discussed over dinner later," he said, trying to keep his temper under control. Having an outburst in the middle of this place would not look good on him.

Louis nodded. "I'm sorry sir." Louis said and followed. He was so nervous. He hoped that Harry would be nice to him, he knew some men in these arrangements were just horrible. It scared him that Harry was going to be one of those men.

Harry nodded in response and walked outside, leading them to his black Audi that was parked next to the curb. "My driver's name is Zeek," Harry said seconds before opening the back door. The older man sitting up front had been his driver for years, and Harry trusted him with his life.

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