~Chapter Twenty-Eight~

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“Huh?” Rory and I ask while staring down at the duffle bags by our feet.

“A full moon’s coming.” Clara quickly informs me and I can feel all the color draining from my face. I’m quickly recalling how smoothly things had gone the last time around. Heavy emphasis on the implied sarcasm.

“Exactly,” she says, studying my reaction. “And now that you’ve turned, who knows what will happen.” Which causes my flush to deepen even further.

“So you two,” she says, as she proceeds to move around the room, and throw various things into the bags as she goes, “will be going on a little road trip. Just for tonight.”

“Wait, I’m sorry,” Rory says, raising her hand like she would in class. “What’s happening?”

Clara turns to look at me and gives me a look that asks, ‘Do you want to tell her or should I?’

“I’ll explain later,” I tell Rory with a heavy slap on her shoulder. With my other hand I  pinch the bridge of my nose in anticipation. There will definitely be a migraine by the end of the night. I just know it.

The sound of sharp zip made me look up, and I falter a bit at the contents of the bags. We were just leaving for the night, weren’t we? So why does it look like we’re going abroad for the next three months?

Observing my reaction, Clara merely shrugs and tell us, “Better safe than sorry.”

Neither of us have anything to say to that.

“Now,” She says as grabs a bag in each hand and throws them at us with ease. I manage to catch mine, while Rory falls backwards under the weight. “Sorry dear,” Clara says as she comes over and helps Rory to her feet again.

“Anyway, here’s what you girls are going to do. I will distract the boys while you sneak out the back way. You will take my car, and the keys are hanging by the doors on a hook; they are the set with rhinestone ‘C’ hanging off them. I’ve already programmed the safe haven in my GPS, which will lead you to a small cabin a few towns over, and slightly off grid.”

It all just sounds like a plot to a bad horror movie waiting to go wrong.

“Stay exactly on course so I’ll know where you are,” she warns us, waves a finger in our faces, and we nod. The last thing she does before she disappears out the door is toss me an antique vile. “That perfume is one of the few things strong enough to mask your scents. Just a little will be enough. I already sprayed it on my car, so you should be good. Now go.”

And then she was gone.

“So...” Rory says, still staring at where Clara had just stood. “Mind telling me what’s going on?”

“No time,” I tell her, as I grab both our bags, and as stealth-like as possible, head towards the stairs.

As I open the door to the garage and the lights flicker on, her keys are easy to make as they sparkle in the light. We slide in her car, and then proceed to take off as fast as the legal speed limit will take us.


“Oh, my God, no wonder you wanted to kill him!” Rory exclaims. She’s nodding like she understands the dire importance of the situation, but still ends up on her back laughing up a storm.

“Anyway, that’s why we’re in hiding and taking cover in the middle of nowhere,” I finish, as I roll my eyes at her.

“And so now you’re going to go into heat?” She asks, as she sits up again, and gives me an odd look.

“More or less, I suppose.” I say as I wearily edge away from her.        

Giving me a sly grin, she leans in close and asks, “Do you want to jump his bones?”

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