~Chapter Twenty-Five~

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So I really wish I could say that after I shifted into a werewolf, an idea that’s still really hard to grasp by the way, that I turned into this hot, sexy beast. I really, really wish I could say that. 

But in reality, I almost feel like I look worst than what I started with.

On the plus side, I love how gray my eyes are because there’s a certain depth to them that I never noticed before. Like little specks of silver and blue. They’re stormy, and quickly becoming my favorite feature. 

On the downside, I can see a lot. Like, everything! That zit in the middle of my forehead that I was really beginning to think wasn’t that big of a deal, now has me thinking I’ll sprout a horn at any given moment! I mean, I’m a werewolf now. Who’s to say I’m not part unicorn too!

And the icing to the cake, the cherry on top, is that I can now see every little inch of  frizz in my hair in a whole new dimension! A whole. New. Dimension. Forget 3D, try high def! Someone just get me a blue-ray player so I can shove my head in it and we can ooh, and ahh, at the sight I have to call my head! 

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, yeah, I’m still a complete klutz. Walking. That is the absolute worst! I’m nearly eighteen, and I basically have to learn how to walk all over again! I just have the capability to walk so fast now, that it usually leads to me tripping over my own two feet... like, a lot. 

And there you have it. Jenna 2.0: the klutzier, pimplier, frizzier, possibly even more sadder excuse of a girl.

“How can you even look at me?!” I cry as I storm out of the bathroom, and right on cue, fall right smack-dab on my face in the middle of the room.

“Ow...” I groan, as I lay there on the floor, and wait for him to help me up.

“What do you mean?” He asks, as he comes over and pulls me back up to my feet again.

“Look at me!” I cry, and he does with a brow raised in confusion.

“What am I looking for?” 

“Nothing,” I say, and make a big point of flailing my arms. “That's the point! I’m hideous.”

He laughs at me, and with the fiery glare I send his way, he quickly shuts up.

“You’re beautiful.” He tells me, as he pulls me in and places a soft kiss on lips. Short, simple, and sweet. 

“Liar,” I mutter, but I can’t help the smile that begins to creep onto my face.

“Come on,” he says, as he places an arm around my shoulders. “Time for school.”

For some reason, he seems to be in the biggest hurry to get to school today, and I have no idea why.

We head downstairs where Jonah and Ryan wait for us. 

Jonah lets out a big yawn, and stretches. I can actually hear his bones crack.

Ryan just stands there stoic as usual. However, I’ve noticed a small change in him as of late. His expression has become a little less harsh, with his brows creasing less, and his face overall, seeming more relaxed. Of course this doesn’t mean he goes around grinning, and twirling in the sunshine, but it’s quite the difference from when I met him a month ago.

We all load into the car, and head off to school. 

I sit in the front next to Caleb, and as he drives, he keeps a hand over mine.

I find myself wondering if he feels the same little sparks I do at the contact. As I look at him, and the wide grin that’s plastered across his face, I consider my question answered. 

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