Chapter 1

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So if any of you amazing people made banners or edits, my email for this ff is thanks for reading!

Chapter 1

"LET IT GO. LET IT G-" I burst out at the top of my lungs in the music room when I was alone, off-key, might I add.


MUST GO. NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE ANYMORE." I heard a deep voice from behind me sing actually on-key.

I turned around and saw this blonde fucking tall dude with an annoyed expression.

"C'mon I couldn't have been that bad." I replied.

"Yeah, you're right. You were worse." I noticed his Australian accent.

I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. I took in the sight of the stranger in front of me. He wore dark skinny jeans and a gray nirvana shirt, his hair was in a quiff that looked like he spent an hour on just to get it like that, lip ring, and overall, he was hot. H-O-T. He looked maybe about two or three years older than me. But then, he reminded me of my ex boyfriend. Same blue eyes, blonde hair.

"Wait. Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Mr. Hemmings, the new music teacher. Your teacher quit because - and I quote - 'the kids are indubitably dreadful.' "

Our old music teacher was a dick. Nobody liked him. He would rant on and on and on about how badly behaved we all were. I'm actually silently thanking the lord because he quit right now. But then again, this dude doesn't seem so friendly either.

"What's your name?" He asked, sounding friendlier than before.

"Michelle," I replied awkwardly.

"Well Michelle,you should get to lunch so I can unpack my stuff and get ready for my next class after lunch," he said, not so friendly anymore.

No betch. I was here first.

"No thank you. I usually stay here during break to practice piano and other stuff." I said, harsher than I intended to, making my voice sound more annoying than usual. I don't actually stay everyday to practice piano and all that crap, I'm just here today because it's cold outside and I don't want to go out for free period.

He glared at me, "I'm your teacher. Please listen to what I say and go to lunch."

He had the "I'm so done with you" look on his face .

I was about to think of a smart and sassy comment but the bell rang initiating that lunch was over.

"See you later today, Mr. Hemmings," I said playfully as I walked away to my classroom.

"Hey did you hear that Mr. Buffoon quit?" My best friend, Hazel, asked me as we walked to class.

His name actually wasn't Mr. Buffoon, it was Mr. Buffine.

"Yeah, I found out at break when I met the new music teacher," I explained.

"Really? Is he as mean as Mr. Buffoon?"

"Eh. Kind of. But it's alright because he's fucking hot. He reminds of Sam though."

"Who?" My other friend, Colton cut in.

"The new music teacher."

He rolled his eyes, "So the music teacher is a twin of Sam? Huh. Just thinking about him makes me want to slaughter off his thumbs."

I laughed, "Why his thumbs?"

"So he wouldn't be able to text anymore, write with a pencil properly, wouldn't be able to hold a pencil properly, and he wouldn't be able to snap. And he would look really weird without thumbs. So therefore, I will slaughter off his thumbs with a butcher knife."

Sassing Mr. Hemmings || l.h ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ