Chapter 33

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Chapter 33
"Maybe he wants to give you a promotion or something?" I said, trying to get him to stop worrying.

"No, Michelle. There are no 'promotions' when you're dealing drugs."

"Well I'm so fucking sorry that I don't know anything about the drug dealing business or whatever the hell you call it."

He sighed, "I'm sorry that you're so dumb when it comes to drugs."

"And I'm sorry you're so dumb when it comes to Christian Grey."

"Hey. I'm pretty good at that stuff. I bought you the same car he gave to his sub."

"Who said I was the sub?"

"Obviously me, because I'm the big and sexy dominant. Cuddle with me?"

"No. Go cuddle yourself you big and sexy dominant person."

"Shut up before I handcuff you."

"Shut up before I chain you."

"Your relationship gives me life,"
Michael said, still on speaker after I thought he ended the call already, "And Luke remember to use the lube I gave you in case you can't get her wet."

"Michael fuck off," Luke said.

"Oh you should also dye your hair black-" Michael said before Luke ended the call.

"So should I dye my hair black?" Luke asked, posing.

"No, you mofo. Blonde is hot," I smirked coming up to him and kissing him, "Keep it."

"Anything for my girlfriend," he smirked before he gently pushed me down onto the bed.

Oh, Luke.

"Lewi and Seashell, do you guys need anything for- oh." Luke's dad came in, using the nickname he gave us.

We all stopped what we were doing and just stated blankly at each other.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hi, Mr. Hemmings."


"No, we're not having sex, Dad."

"Well you don't have to lie about it. It's not like I already know."


"We're not."

"Okay, bye guys. Have fun- I mean, good night."

"We're going to sleep, I'm not risking any of my parents coming in again. It's so embarrassing," he blushed.

"Aw. Christian Grey is embarrassed," I cooed jokingly, pinching his cheeks.

"Shut up," he mumbled, slapping my hands away.

"You're so cute," I cooed again and he blushed.

"Let's go to sleep, loser."

"Okay, loser."


I woke up to my girlfriend screaming and I got up and panicked.

She was thrashing under the covers and sobbing from a nightmare.
Poor baby.

"Michelle," I whispered, scooting closer to her and swiping the wet hair off her face.

"Sam," she whimpered, not waking up yet.

That fucking asshole.

"Michelle wake up," I whispered again, shaking her gently.

She gasped and sat up really quickly, blinking, trying to adjust to the dark lighting.

"Luke," she whimpered, and I engulfed her in a big hug.

"He... I... It... Just..."

"It's okay, Michelle. I know, I know. I've got you. He can't hurt you, now. I'm stocking up on bananas so I can beat him with them later." I said and she laughed weakly.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Can I tell you?" She asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked, playing with her hair.

"A-about what happened."

"Yeah, of course." I said and she rested her head on my chest.

"Well, I was sixteen and he was twenty-two," she gulped, "I don't know what the fuck I was thinking when I dated him. Anyway, he was really sweet when we first met and it wasn't until like six months into our relationship when he started getting touchy and violent. It was awful, because I was convinced that I loved him and I didn't break up with him. When I tried to break up with him, he didn't let me anyway, because apparently he controlled the relationship so what's the point? He did drugs, too, and when he got really high and drunk, he would just keep hitting me and it was fucking awful. So on our one year anniversary, I was at his house, waiting to surprise him, but he came home drunk. Next thing I know he was pinning me to the bed a-and... Yeah," she whispered, crying a little, "I've always pushed it down so I don't break down and I've tried to get over it but I fucking can't. I can't. I get it if you don't want to stay with me. Fuck, I'm so fucked up. I'm sorry. I don't deserve you. "

Oh fuck I told him everything. Fuck. I'm a fucking mess in front of my boyfriend who probably is going to break up with me in a couple of minutes.

"I understand if you want to breakup or something. I'll just buy a plane ticket back to California right now-" I started but was cut off when his lips connected to mine.

"Listen here," he said, pulling away and cupping my face with his large hands and wiping my tears away, "I love you, you little shit."

"I love you too, dickhead."

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