Chapter 37

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There was a lot of confusion in the last chapter, Michelle and Luke DID NOT have sex in front of anyone, they did it in Luke's room, alone. So, in the last chapter, I decided to bold the words where it said that Luke and Michelle went to Luke's room alone.

Chapter 37

"Why the fuck won't they leave me alone?" I groaned, burrowing my head in one of Luke's pillows.

"I don't know," he said, sounding distant because he was reading all the texts Sam had sent to me.

His hands curled up into fists and he looked really frustrated.

"I'm gonna beat the fuck out of him."

"Luke calm down. It's fine, it's probably nothing. I shouldn't have showed you."

"Get a restraining order or something. Or change your phone number. Or maybe we can come up with a plan to eliminate him like in those spy movies with all those fancy spies in suits and-"

"Luke, shut up. I'll be fine. Just, come back to bed?" I asked, opening my arms and he crawled back in.

"GUYS OH MY GOD. GUESS WHAT. WE- OH MY FUCKING GOD, THEY'RE NAKED. LIZ HELP," Luke's wonderful and peaceful bandmates rushed in and Luke quickly pulled the blanket up so it covered us.

"Guys, shut the fuck up! Don't fucking call my mum in!"

"Luke? Are you guys okay? I heard screaming," Andy came rushing in and I sunk deeper into the covers and pretended I was asleep out of embarrassment.

"Oh, um. Hi, Dad. Nothing's going on, I'm just trying to get some sleep but these hooligans came jumping like kangaroos into my room," Luke said, referring to the boys.

"Mr. Hemmings, they were having sex," one of the boys said obviously trying to embarrass us even more.

"Actually, no. I'm pure," I said, poking my head out from under the covers and smiled as innocently as I could.

"Yeah, I'm pure too, Dad," Luke said, smiling as big as he could and he reminded me of that emoji that he always texts me randomly. (😁)

Andy rolled his eyes and mumbled a whatever as he walked out.

"Guys, get the fuck out," Luke glared at his bandmates.

"Uh we were here because there's a problem... With a... The business," Ashton said, eyeing me and wording his sentence cleverly.

"She knows about it," Luke said.

"Yeah, I know, but-"

"Then why are you staring at her like your worried she's gonna find something out?" Luke asked, "And I was actually wanting to talk to you guys about that. I-"

"Because Sam, her ex, is our boss."

Luke's head snapped up quickly, "What the fuck? How the fuck do you know? What the actual fuck? So he was the fucktard that kept telling me that having a girlfriend was distracting me?"

"What? He told you I was a distraction? When?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

All the guys filed out, probably deciding it was best not to interrupt us.

"Look, I didn't think it was necessary to tell you, okay? I'm sorry. I didn't know it was Sam."

I let out a sigh, "Okay."


"FUCK. WE LOST THE BABY," Luke yelled, running around frantically.

We were babysitting Zoe again and somehow lost her. I mean, I guess that's what you get when you make out instead of actually keep an eye on the baby.

"Zoey?" Luke asked, opening the cabinets and closets.

"ZOEY WHERE ARE YOU?" Luke yelled, still looking around, "Fuck, my mum's gonna kill me."

"What do fuck mean?" Zoe asked innocently, and appeared out of the fucking coat closet.

"Uh, nothing. I'll tell you when you're older," Luke said.

"I am old," she crossed her arms and pouted.

"Sweetie, you're three," Luke kneeled down to talk to her.

"At least I didn't lose a child today," she stuck her tongue out.

"Where the fuck did you learn how to sass? Oh fuck, I shouldn't have said fuck," Luke said and I rolled my eyes.

"I teached myself from watching Michelle sass you!" She said proudly.

I poked my tongue out, "At least I taught her something useful and not a bad word."

"Shut up," Luke whined.

"Mummy said shut up is bad word," Zoe said.

Zoe continued to slay Luke for another hour until her parents came to pick her up.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" Luke asked me, with his back turned towards the fridge.

"Whatever," I said as soon as his phone beeped.

"Can you check that for me, babe?"

"Yeah," I answered, and picked up his huge ass phone the size of my face.

"Uh, it's a text from Ashley," I said awkwardly, looking up at him who quickly turned around at the sound of her.

"What?" He said and snatched his phone from me.

"Luke, why are you still texting her?"

"I'm not. I haven't texted her. I've never even spoken to her until she texted me today."

"What does she want?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"She just said hi."

"Well don't text back."

"But that's rude."

"Fucking hell, Luke," I groaned in frustration, "That bitch cheated on you."

"Don't call her that," he mumbles, "I used to love her."

"Where are you going?" He called after me when I got up to leave.

"Call me when you get your priorities straight."

"Michelle, you don't even know your way around Sydney-"

"I'll find a way," and with that, I left.

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