tgej || seventeen

57 9 0

Third Person's POV

"Coffee is ready to be served!" Gabriel whisper-yelled as he used his left leg to kick the door wider, grinning at Kim.

Kim beamed softly, and took the coffee from Gabriel. "Thank you."

"Welcome." Gabriel plopped himself beside Kim as she sipped the hot coffee.

Gabriel scratched the back of his head, not knowing where to begin. "Oh and by the way, I drank a sip of the coffee I made you."

Kim turned and stared at him, lips curving into a smile. "Some people never change."

Kim was at Gabriel's apartment. Lilly was not able to be discharged yet as she was still considered fragile, due to the lack of nutrients which she was unable to attain. 

"Kim... about Lilly being my sister..." Gabriel began, causing Kim to shake her head.

"You don't owe me an explanation, Gabe. I have secrets. You have secrets. I respect yours." Kim smiled sadly at Gabe before returning her gaze to the bitter-sweet tasting coffee. "But, as for my secrets... I need to tell you."

"Remember how I told you my dad raped me?" Kim scoffed and chuckled, eyes glued onto the cup of coffee. "He impregnated me when I turned fourteen."

This wasn't news for Gabriel. He'd found out when Alex and Kaiden confronted him.

And they didn't leave unharmed; both had matching blue-black bruises on their faces.

Except Kaiden might have a broken arm...

"My period was two weeks late and that was uncommon. It was usually only one or two days late, if not, it'll be on time. I started getting nauseous, a bigger appetite, pregnancy signs." 

"But dad didn't know. I didn't know. He abused me on that same day." Kim felt nothing.

Because to her, the child meant nothing. It only disgusted her.

Tick tock.

"I fainted due to the pain from my abdomen. The last thing I remembered was seeing blood. I thought it was my period." Kim's eyes watered, not because she'd lost her fetus. 

But because of the guilt

The guilt of not loving the fetus that was growing inside of her.

The guilt of not caring about the fetus that was apart of her.

The guilt of not being able to save the fetus.

After all, it was still a small little life.

"I'm so sorry, Kim." Gabriel swallowed.

Kim shook her head. "It's not your fault."

They sat in silence, million of thoughts racing in Kim's head.

"Since you trust me, I will trust you with my secrets too." Gabriel started, looking thoughtfully at Kim.

Kim blushed and trained her eyes at the luke-warm coffee. 

Bringing the cup of coffee to her lips, Gabriel began. "I'm Lilly's twin. Only 10 minutes younger." 

"A month after my mom gave birth to Lilly and I, she was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression, which is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that happen in a woman after giving birth. It's a form of major depression."

"The medication pills, house bills, milk powder money were too much. They were poor at that time. They had used up their savings. So at the tender age of 3, I was given up for adoption. my parents just couldn't afford two children." Gabriel clenched his jaw, and Kim continued sipping onto her coffee.

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