tgej || five

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Third Person's POV

The boy stared at Kim, confused as to why she was looking at him that way.

The boy had brown locks and grey eyes and was quite the looker.

"It's definitely Gabriel."

He looks exactly like what Gabriel had described himself.

"Because he was very descriptive on how he looked like."

He stared at her curiously, and examined her from head to toe. His eyes sparkled with pure disgust.

She's the slut.

Kim noticed it, and it took a few seconds for her to register it.

It felt like a punch to the gut, only except the punch doesn't leave a bruise.

Kim frowned and shook her head. 

"Why do I care anyway? Everyone says that."

"Alright class, settle down! I presume there's a new transferred student?" Mrs. Clutch pushed up her glasses, trying to look professional, despite her messy hair tied up into a messy bun, and her lipstick not applied properly. Her left eyelid's eyeshadow was darker than the other one, radiating off a vibe that she'd done her makeup in two minutes.

The new student walked up front, and Kim already knew who he is.

"Right, there you are! Introduce yourself please."

"My name is Kaiden Rooks. I was studying Sydney before I was transferred here. Parents and their business trips."

It felt as though a ton of weight was lifted off Kim's shoulders, knowing that he isn't Gabriel.

"But, why do I care about his opinion? And why does he keep staring at me, like he finally found me? Wasn't he judging me?"

Kim was confused, but pushed that aside as the lesson was beginning with a documentary on Hitler.

"Whatever. Typical Australians."


"I'm sure you'd find your phone. Don't worry babe." Mike reassured Lilly, an uneasy feeling taking over him.

They decided to skip school. 

Or should I say, Lilly decided to skip school? Mike doubted that he could handle the fact that she wouldn't be around, so he skipped school with her.

"What if I don't, Mickey? Her life could be ruined because of me. I-I-I won't be able to handle the fact that she has another mental breakdown because of it. Because of me." Mike's heartbeat jumped, feeling utterly disappointed in himself.

"Mike, you have to help me. She still think that she doesn't have anyone anymore, what will happen to her when all events of her horrible past are leaked?" Lilly cried loudly, tears falling like a waterfall. "She hates being pitied. She wouldn't be able to take care of it."

"Shhh. Everything will be okay, I promise. Shh." 

"What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. I'm hurting her. She will blame herself when it's leaked. And what will she think of me? Would she still love me?"

Mike was the one who took the phone from her. He knows it's not too late to return it, but could he risk it?

He was offered a hundred grand in exchange for the phone. The offer was huge.

Mike couldn't turn it down.

But once Mike returns the phone, he wouldn't get the money.

The money is important to me and my future. But what's the worth of it when I blow Lilly and I's relationship up, especially when it's for our future?"


Gabriel could feel everyone's eyes on him as he walked into the classroom.

"Just like the previous school."

He was never a fan of being in the spotlight.

It broke him.

He could hear girls' dreamy sigh.

He could feel the glare of boy's at him.

"Funny, doesn't these only happen with girls?"

He was hell bent on seeing Kim.

Gabriel was sure that he loves her.

When in fact, he's just infatuated with her.

He's just... mesmerized by her.

But he doesn't get it, does he?

He doesn't like or love her in the romantic way.

He thinks he love her.

But the truth is, he doesn't.


"Have you heard? Two hotties just transferred!" Rosalie squeaked, and Kim couldn't help but feel annoyed that they had already caught a glimpse of Gabriel, and she haven't.

"Yeah, especially him! What's his name?" Cheryl added, fanning herself. 

"What is this, a fictional book? I thought these only happen in books, since the chances of finding hot, not-a-jerk kind of guy, is kind of low."

"I think his name is Grant. Or is it Grab? Oh, I think it's Rob!" Anna practically screamed, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"It's Gabriel." Kim's heart skipped a beat, possibly two.

"Is it really his voice?"

Butterflies formed in her stomach.

Everyone's eyes were on them, and Kim could feel it. 

Kim took the cup of plain, lemon water and gulped it down.

Tick tock.

"It's just another man, Kim. Just another-"

"Any chance I may find a girl named Kimberly? Kimberly Marie Hearts. I think she owes me a tour around here."


"Don't believe everything you think."


Last edit - 26 October 2017

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