tgej || seven

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Third Person's POV

Kim sat in front of her dresser.

She looked at herself.

"You worthless piece of shit.

That's why mom left you.

That's why dad abused you.

That's why he used you.

Because you're fucking worthless."

Truth is, she isn't worthless.

She's worthy. 

Even more worthy than ten million teenagers.

She deserves to live.

But she doesn't see that.

Because her father ruined her.

Because her mother left her.

Because he threw her away after he was done using her.

Because she let her past get to her.

Kim shook her head.

"No. It's a brand new day for me. A brand new start."

Kim applied foundation, a nude eyeshadow which gives off a natural look, nude lipstick.

But Kim still see a girl, who's wasting the earth's resources, staring right back at her.

She got up and grabbed her backpack, and put a beanie on.

"I love beanies."

She thought about how people will react to her new self.

"No. You don't care what others think. It's not their life anyway."

Kim nodded and practiced a smile of her own.

"It's my life."


Kaiden held onto a phone.

A phone which doesn't belong to him.

He looked through all the messages, smirking.

"She won't know what hit her. I am going to kill Kimberly Marie Hearts."


Gabriel looked at the photo.

It was a picture of him and his twin sister.

He smiled sadly, realising how they never really got the chance to spend time together though they're so close to one another physically.

 Sighing, he put it back into the first drawer of his desk.

"Time to go back to hell hole."


Once Kim entered the school, everyone's murmur, laughter, even gossips, abruptly died down.

Kim felt anxious once again, and everyone started whispering.

Taking in a deep breath, she shouted,

"Is there something wrong?" She gave everyone a cold, hard stare and everyone stopped whispering once again.

"Good." Kim held her head up high, and got to her locker.

"Beanies suits you. A lot."

Kim shut the locker, offering the nerd she once bullied with a soft smile.

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