tgej || twelve

53 9 3

Third Person's POV

"Sir, are you alright?" The stranger shook Mike lightly, in hopes of waking him up.

Mike groaned, his head pounding. 

It was nightfall.

"What time is it?" The stranger helped him sit up slowly,

"07 00 pm. I was doing my usual evening jog when I discovered you."

He was out cold for four hours. Then he realised something.

The bag was gone.

"Did you notice a black bag? It was beside me." Mike panicked. 

"Who took it? Hell, how am I going to get the phone back without it?"

"No. When I arrived all I saw was you." Mike couldn't comprehend it for a second.

And the second turned into a minute.

"Kaiden must have taken it. That son of a bitch!"

"Um, I'm going to take my leave now. Have fun sitting on the ground...?" The blonde stranger stood up and jogged away.

"Fuck. Save me."



One week.


Mike swallowed, knowing he had to tell Lilly regardless of the consequence.

"Lilly." Mike said in a monotone voice, not knowing how to feel anymore.

Lilly just looked.


"I need to tell you something."


"Please, just don't ignore me after I tell you this."

Still staring.

Lilly blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.

She didn't have the energy to respond him.

"I did something shameful. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I'm so sorry." Mike look anywhere else but her, shoving both his hands into his pocket.

Lilly continued staring.

"I was the one." Mike looked down, unable to hold her stare.

It was quiet for a minute. Maybe even two.

But it felt like an eternity for Mike.

"Elaborate." Lilly whispered, and Mike snapped his head to face Lilly.

"You finally said a word. Please just talk to me, Lilly."

"Elaborate." Lilly repeated, in no mood to entertain him.

Mike's heart sped up, and his toes fidgeting against one another.

He swallowed, "I was the one who picked your phone up."

Lilly sobbed and got up.

She slapped Mike, threw weak punches, in hopes of getting rid of the anger and disappointment bubbling in her.

In hopes of re-building the world that had crumbled down the moment she lost the phone.

In hopes of erasing the guilt she feels.

"We're over. Get. Out. Of. My. House." Lilly pushed Mike towards the door with every word said. With one final push, he fell out, onto the cold hard doorstep.

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