tgej || four

118 15 7

Third person's POV

Lilly smiled, thinking about a movie night with Mike.

She putting her hand into her handbag, she tried fishing for her phone to inform him about her plans.

Of course, she couldn't find it.

She removed her handbag from her shoulders and frantically checked her bag for her phone, and almost walked straight into a pillar.

She'd realized it's missing.

"Phone. Missing. Gone." 

It took her a full minute to digest that, and she stopped just as she reached her car.

Her phone's missing.

She started to panic. The phone contained details which will ruin Kim's life.

Lilly doesn't want to ruin her life. She still sees Kim as her sister who's just... lost.

There's way too many secrets contained in that phone, and she started praying that a kind soul had picked it and brought it to the Lost and Found area.

A 5'7 brunette in a bright yellow sundress and black heels, running back to the school.

Don't forget the boobs flopping up and down.

"Please let me find the phone."



It was Thursday when Gabriel landed in London. He was going to settle in his Uncle's apartment.

It has been two days since he landed.

Gabby-Cookie : I can't wait to see you on Monday! Hope you don't mind me hanging out with you :)

Kimmy-Kiwi : Yeah, sure! I don't mind :) in desperate need of some real friends anyway,

Gabby-Cookie : Right. It's getting late, go to sleep. Before you know it, you'd be back to school in less than 48 hours.

Kimmy-Kiwi : I don't think I can. I'm going to watch Riverdale now, sleep tight Gabriel 💗

Gabby -Cookie : fine, sleep soon alright? Goodnight Kim.

Kimmy-Kiwi : Night Gabriel, sleep tight because it's gonna be one hell of a ride.

Kim pressed the button at the side of her phone which locked her phone and sighed.

Kim brought her legs to her, and started sobbing.

"What will he think of me? Will he look at me with disgust? Avoid me? Stop talking to me? I can't lose him. I've lost too much."

Kim was overjoyed to have a friend like him, and she wasn't ready to lose him.

Not now, not ever.


Gabriel stared at the photo in his palm. He smiled, admiring her.

The way her eyes gleamed with happiness, her hair tied into two messily beautiful pigtails.

The way she held onto him for her dear life, the way her excitement overruled her fear of falling off his back.

The boy had brown locks and silver eyes, grinning sheepishly at the camera.

It was clear that both of them enjoyed each other's company.

It had been ten years ever since they met. 

He kept telling himself that it was alright.

Because he had found her.

The girl is Kimberly. Kimberly Marie Hearts.



The day where you start breaking down mentally because there's school.

Unless you love school. Then you won't have a mental breakdown.

( A/N Hannah Baker's voice literally played in my head when I read those 2 sentences ^ )

Kim got up and started to get ready for the place she calls hell.

After washing up, she wasn't sure about what to wear.

Her usual slutty outfits, or jeans with a pullover?

Kim settled for the second one at first. But later on she decided to change back to her slutty outfit.

She didn't want Gabriel leave her.

But she didn't want to create a gossip train either.

She couldn't afford to.

Not when she didn't know much about Gabriel.

Kim sighed and checked her phone, 06 30 am.

School starts in 07 10 am, and she knew she had to start her make up now.

She crossed her fingers, "Please let today be alright."

Tick tock.


Gabriel took out his jeans and a grey v neck shirt out of the closet.

The house was awfully quiet.

And cold.

Gabriel had lied. He had no relatives.

Other than the fact that he refuse to acknowledge his birth parents and his uncles and aunts.

He couldn't afford to let someone in so quick again.

Especially not after her.

Gabriel looked up, and closed his eyes.

"Don't cry. Be a man. Move on."

Opening his eyes, he blinked.

He wasn't going to ruin the day.

"Today's going to be alright."


Kim rushed to history class.

"Way to start the morning, because history is totally going to make us stay awake, even if we've woke up an hour ago."

Kim mentally scoffed and took her history notebook from the locker that was along the way.

The second bell rang, and she cursed under her breath.

She might be the school slut, but she was never a fan of being the center of attention.

That's crazy, because attention seems to be thrown at her in Eagle's High.

She opened the door, just as the third bell rang.

No one paid much attention to her because their attention was diverted to the newly transferred guy.



"Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay, or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know? "


Last edited - 26 October 2017

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