tgej || fifteen

49 7 1

Third Person's POV

Kim clutched tightly onto her backpack as she closed the front door. 

"Please don't let me see him."

Kim continued walking, her pace unusually fast. She bit her lip so hard that it drew blood.

"Please don't let him see me. Please don't let me see him. Please don't let him see m-"

"Kim." Kim stopped in her tracks and squeezed her eyes shut.

"What?" Kim turned around and smiled at Gabriel.

"Were you trying to avoid me?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow and stalked towards Kim.

"No!" She immediately answered, but at the same time, her head nodded.

Gabriel chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You promised."

Kim sighed and looked away, breaking eye contact with Gabriel.

"I know... I just... I'm... I..." Tears welled up in her eyes, the memory of it already breaking her, silently destroying her.

Gabriel opened his arms, and Kim gladly hugged him, his masculine-woodsy scent calming her down somehow.

"It'll make you give up on me, Gabe. It made me give up on myself. Made me despise myself. Made me detest myself. The funny thing is though these may sound tragic, they're not the most tragic outcome." Kim mumbled against Gabriel's shirt, and looked up at him.

"Then what is?" Gabe tightened his hug, squashing her bag at the same time.

But neither of them cared.

"The most tragic outcome is, it'll make you give up on me. Make you detest me. Make you despise me. Make you leave me. Make you judge me. And I don't think I can handle you doing any of those." A tear of betrayal rolled down her cheek and Gabriel frowned, hugging her tighter as if it was possible."It'll kill me."


Gabriel opened the door, the smell of antiseptic wafted through the room, making him cringe.

But he got used to it.

Gabriel sat down onto the visitor chair and took Lilly's hand, gently hovering his palm over hers.

"Hey." Gabriel's voice broke, his free hand clutching tightly onto his white v-neck shirt.

It looked like Lilly was asleep. Her eyes were closed, her lips drawn to a thin line.

She looked peaceful.

 But somehow, everything about her screamed unhealthy. 

It must be how unnoticeably thin she'd became, and how unusually pale her face is.

It broke Gabriel. 

He hated seeing her like this.

"It's time for you to wake up, Lilly. You have to." Gabriel released his tight clutch on his shirt and swept a few strands of hair off her face.

"Please wake up, Lils. Kim needs you. I need you." Gabriel sobbed, tears freely falling down from his eyes.

"Mom and Dad needs you. Please get up, Lils. Please." Gabriel cried, his plea unheard by his comatose sister.


Lilly Amber Lee is Gabriel Azul Lee's sister.

To be more exact, she's his twin sister.

And currently, she's the only person who he'd ever openly exposed his vulnerability to.


Gabe : I've got errands 2 run. U ok walking to sch alone?

Kim's phone vibrated, causing Kim to groan.

It was 06 30 am in the morning and she wasn't suppose to be up till five more minutes.

Kim : K. Cya.

Gabriel smiled upon receiving that message. 

Gabe : Cya princess. 

Kim stared at her phone screen, squealing internally.

"Time to get ready. Yay."

Kim sighed, and laid down on her bed again.

Gabriel started the car up, and drove down to Eagle's High.

Just as he was about to make a U-turn into the parking lot, Alex and Kaiden stood in front of Gabriel's vehicle.

Gabriel stepped onto the brake, and the car came to a halt. 

Gabriel glared at the two male, stealing a glance at his watch.

06 45 am.

Gabriel got out of his driver seat, "What do you guys want." Gabriel's jaw clenched.

"We want to tell you what Kim has been hiding from you."


"The hardest part about recovery is when you're not so sure whether you want to recover."


Last edited - 28 October 2017

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