Twenty Four

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this fanfic is shitty, no matter you guys say i will always think this is the most shittiest thing i've ever written.


When all darkness, no light left, consumed you - what do you do? Laugh? Cry? Have a mental breakdown? Find a shoulder to cry on? Or do you just... kill someone? Like history repeats itself.

Do you?

When you're being forced into the same pit of darkness with your significant other, do you cry for help? Do you talk it out? Do you sit down and have coffee in the morning, act like you're not living in the same house as a maniac? Or do you feel like you're going to get hurt again, get abused like you were in your own house - but this time it's different because you're in another person's house?

Do you cry... for help?

Cheryl was watching Zariah's back as she prepared heir breakfast, half naked. She can't help but wonder what was the true reason why Zariah is this happy. Zariah was singing, humming, swaying around - as if nothing bad happened. When it did. She killed a girl. She killed a boy in her childhood. And now she was planning on how to kill Sabrina.

She turned crazy, who knew how to hide herself under a simple smile that can't be budged by anything.

Then an abrupt sound came from the outside. It was the newspaper boy, saying that the newspaper was there. Zariah froze at that moment, remembering what could possibly be in that newspaper. Something Cheryl mustn't find out.

"Hey, Cher...?" She calls her out, still transfixed with the pan in front of her. "Can you continue these pancakes for me? I'll just go get the newspaper."

Cheryl seemed to tense up under her voice, but obeyed otherwise. She got down from the stool nearby the island counter and exchanged positions with Zariah as she heads for the front door. Assuming that the newspaper would have left the newspaper over the gate, Zariah would have to walk over there even thought she was half naked and this would give time for Cheryl.

She just had to wait until the door closes... and shut, she leaves the stove after turning it off, thinking of what she saw that night on Zariah's shirt. Walking up to Zariah's bedroom, she looks down at the scattered clothes and eyed Zariah's clothes from picking it up on the ground. 

It was red. It was splattered. It might be blood.

But whose?

When Cheryl's eyes gaze up to the window, the bright light showed up and made her squint her eyes. She drops the shirt back and walked out of the room, feeling a bit dizzy in this huge manor.

Meanwhile, Zariah held the newspaper in hand and looked at it. Scanning through the pages until she found a huge, bold text saying, "MISSING." Then there was a picture of Hailey. It made her scoff.

"She knew too much..."

Then she felt a certain pair of eyes, burning at the back of her head. She looks back at the manor and saw nothing. Even by the windows. But it did quite shaken her a bit. So, she walks back to the house. And when she came inside to the kitchen, Cheryl was no longer there and no one was continuing the pancakes she had made.

"Where is she?" She asks, low enough as fear arose her.

Does she know?

Save Me  ≡ Cheryl BlossomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang