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I've never been so happy before in this time of grief. I should be sobbing, but no, I'm smiling like a kid on a Christmas morning. I was that happy. She made me happy.

Cheryl made me happy, and that's all that matters to me now.

Let me tell you, ever since she said those few words, claiming that she's mine and I'm hers, I could not stop smiling. It was such a feeling! Joy! Happiness! I was extremely happy that finally, she's my girlfriend.

Wait, that sounds perfect.

Cheryl's my girlfriend.

I squealed in joy, kicking my feet in the air as I remained laid down on my bed, gripping on my pillow. It's the morning after our date, the date where I finally asked the question. This was a great way to start a day. Positive!

Shot out of my bed, slipped on my slippers and skipped my way to the bathroom, I did my daily routine. Brush my teeth, get in the shower, put on some clothes with the same old grin plastered on my face. No one can make me frown this day. No one!

When I came down from the second floor, I was greeted by my mother. She was preparing my breakfast since Xael was still living at the south side with Vanessa. I smiled at her as I sat down by the island counter.

"Good morning, Mom!" I greet her with complete joy in my voice.

She turns around and eyes me suspiciously, "What happened to you? You seem happy today."

I bit my lip, looking around as I tried to contain my smile. But I couldn't! Cheryl's my girlfriend! I can't frown upon that idea! Hell no!

"Oh, something did happen, Mom! Finally!" Grinning as I bite my lip, I fist-bumped the air.

She giggles, "Okay then, sweetie. Tell me, what happened?"

Mom placed down my plate in front of me and I instantly felt myself drool at the sight of Nutella stuffed pancakes with strawberries on top. I got the fork and looked at my mom who sat parallel to me. I smiled, "It's about Cheryl."

"Honey, get straight to the point here, you don't have all day!"

"Mom!" I squealed, not able to contain my excitement. "She's my girlfriend! My girlfriend! My girlfriend! Like, what?! How's that possible, am I right?!" I asked her, taking huge bites from my breakfast, moaning after tasting the Nutella on my tongue. "This is so good, by the way. I love you, Mom." I pout at her, slightly slouching as I rested my wrists on the edge of the table, holding both knife and fork.

Again, she giggles. "Well, I'm happy for you, Zariah. I'm really glad that you've finally found someone in your life." I squinted my eyes at her.


"Just sayin'! I mean, you've never had a girlfriend before! Plus, you only know how to flirt with other girls at your school." 

"I didn't even flirt with Cheryl..." I mentioned, a bit weirdly and skeptical in my tone. "Did I...? I don't think so. We fight most of the times."

"Opposites do attract, dear," Mom points out as she drinks her coffee.

I then point my index finger towards her then nodded, smirking, "Fair point, mother dearest."


Here I am again, back in school. I'm still smiling, by the way. Told you nothing's going to make me frown.

Save Me  ≡ Cheryl BlossomWhere stories live. Discover now