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"Mom, I'm going out now!" Zariah shouts as she went down the stairs of their mansion. Tonight was the drive-in's last feature, screening of Rebel Without a Cause. Kevin was already waiting in his dad's truck with Veronica by the Montague's front door after going through the gates of heaven. Marissa told her to be safe and she will.

Once greeted by the smell of fresh air of Riverdale, Kevin and Veronica smiled at her. He said, "Took you a while, Z. Did you get lost on your way out?" Kevin smirks teasingly at Zariah whom rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault that I live in a mansion, Kev." She chuckles as she got in the front where Veronica was sitting. Kevin made his way around and drove them to the Twilight Drive-In. "So, I'm guessing you brought some blankets and pillows for comfort, my other gay?" Zariah raises an eyebrow at him, slightly smirking.

"Of course!" Kev says, raising his hand up and smacking it back down to the steering wheel. "It's a movie night and what's a movie night without blankets, pillows, popcorn, sodas, and... hotdogs?" Veronica laughs at him while Zariah rolls her eyes, knowing that she can't relate to the "hotdogs" parts.

"Don't be such a party pooper, Z!" He stretches out his hand as playfully smacks her arm, chuckling a bit. "Look at Veronica here, laughing. Jeez, you can't take a gay joke!"

"That's because I'm a lesbian, Kevin," she points out, glaring at him. "I can't relate to any dick jokes. And besides, dicks are haunting!" The two only laughed at her, causing her to groan and run her hand through her hair.

When they arrived at the inn, they already got their own popcorn and some candy while Zariah held an extra-large soda cup in her hands as the three of them got in the back of Kevin's dad's truck and tucked themselves under the blankets with pillows behind their back.

"James fucking Dean..." Zariah mumbles under her breath as they watched the film unfold in front of their eyes. Two of her friends looked at her weirdly and she shot them a look, "What? Can't a lesbian like me look up to a guy like him?"

"Of course, you can," Kevin chuckles. "We're just surprised to see you say those... words." He nods, finally finding a word that best describes what should be "praise."

As the movie night progress, a car slowly parks in front of them and it was Cheryl's. To Zariah's surprise, Cheryl told them to make some room and calling them "outcast" as Kevin moved to the side, followed by Veronica, and it left Zariah no choice but to let Cheryl sit next to her. The two girls made eye contact with each other as the pale girl climbs on to the side of the truck.

Once she sat down and got under the blanket, there was this spark that electrocuted them when their shoulders contacted one another. This closeness was making the two of them a bit nervous. Zariah had found out that Cheryl likes her on the night of Taste of Riverdale event, thanks to eavesdropping into Josie's call. This had made it weirder for her now that this girl was shamelessly licking and biting her lips as she stares at the side profile of Zariah.

"That hair..."

"That jacket..."

"Jason always adored the drive-in," Cheryl comments, making Kevin roll his eyes and shared a look at Veronica and Zariah whom shrugged her shoulders. And then, there was this ruckus behind them, making Kevin look back to see the Southside Serpents.

"Southside trash," He looks at Veronica who then said that they've been doing that since the opening credits, pertaining to their noise. Cheryl noticed that Veronica had some food in her hands so she reaches over, her arm hovering in front of Zariah and grabbed a piece of it. Kevin tried hushing the Serpents as Cheryl adjusted in her seat, glancing at Zariah often.

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